How to Conquer Moving Season


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to conquer moving season.

  • “One good summer can set up your moving company financially to propel you to the next level. But you’ve got to be prepared to strike while the iron is hot!”
  • “In the moving business, the peak season runs from mid-May thru mid-September. This has traditionally been the most popular time for people to move, as well as the most profitable time for moving companies.”
  • “So, as we enter the 2022 moving season over the next couple of weeks it’s important that you are prepared to make the most out of this busy time. Because being ready makes all the difference.”
  • “Looking back I see that there were years when I didn’t prepare myself and my team for moving season. I knew it would be busy, I knew we would make money, but I didn’t do the things I should have to really maximize the number of jobs that were getting booked, and put things in place to really increase the profit from each move.
  • I was just phoning it in, and as a result, I left a lot of money on the table.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.



OCTOBER 12th – 14th in Scottsdale, AZ!

Come and spend three days with us in Scottsdale and let me personally give you the latest moving business strategies and NEW systems and processes that today’s fastest-growing and most successful moving companies are using!


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Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your company to the NEXT LEVEL!


Moving Season Targets

Moving Season Kick-Off Party

Prepare Yourself for Moving Season

How to Motivate Your Employees

How to Increase Your Revenue Per Move

How to Escape the Daily Grind of the Moving Business


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to escape the daily grind of the business.

  • “Your moving business needs to be a machine. And when you’re the Moving CEO and designer of that machine, you get to decide how much you want to be involved in the day-to-day.”
  • “Leads come in from your marketing, you convert those leads and book jobs, you service those jobs, you make sure the customer is happy and you ask for reviews, and then you handle your books and numbers for your company. The machine runs. Simple. And you, as the owner of the business, are the designer and builder of that machine.”
  • “Often in small businesses, the owner/designer may also be the operator of that machine. So you may also be wearing the Operator hat right now. This is especially true when you first start. But, as you build your machine it’s important to get to a place where you can transition out of wearing that Operator hat and spend more time being the Designer.”
  • “Removing yourself from the day-to-day can feel scary, it can feel like the wheels will fall off if you step away from that operator position, but you just need to put some things in place to gain some clarity and control. And with the right systems in place and the right roles running the right processes in your company, you can feel confident to begin to remove yourself and spend more of your time designing and creating growth for your business.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.



OCTOBER 12th – 14th in Scottsdale, AZ!

Come and spend three days with us in Scottsdale and let me personally give you the latest moving business strategies and NEW systems and processes that today’s fastest-growing and most successful moving companies are using!


Join the Louis Massaro Group: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for business owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!

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Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your company to the NEXT LEVEL!


Become Unstoppable in Your Business

Optimizing Your Moving Company’s Systems

My Secret to How I Win Each Year

How to Manage Sales in Your Moving Company

How to Run a Virtual Moving Company

Optimizing Your Moving Company’s Systems


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to optimize your moving company’s systems.

  • “We’ll never have the true freedom we want to express ourselves in business and do the things that we want to do in life if we don’t set up the core foundations of the business.”
  • “Wherever your business is today, and whatever big plans you have for the future, you’ve got to remember to tame your entrepreneur mind that always wants to move on to what’s new and what’s next.”
  • “Shortly after you get something new set up in your business it can be very tempting to want to move on to the next new objective without completing the processes for the thing you were just working on.”
  • “It’s not always about doing more, opening more locations, bringing in other lines of business, etc… It’s about optimizing what you have now, and feeling really good about it because you have a sense of control over your business. That’s when you have good profitability, and you know things are getting done the way you want them to be done.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
  2. Latest Instagram!
    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


Stabilize Your Moving Company’s People and Processes

Gain More Time to Scale Your Moving Company

5 Processes to Systematize Your Moving Company’s Operation

My Secret to How I Win Each Year

How to Make Your Moving Company Process-Driven

My Secret to How I Win Each Year


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares his secret to how he is able to win each year and maintain a consistent level of peak performance.

  • “If you don’t have the tools, the mindset, the equipment, everything that you need to operate at your absolute best… As a business owner, your company is going to be a reflection of that.”
  • “As we make our way through 2022 it’s important that you are prepared to make it an amazing year for your business and your life. And the key to being able to thrive this year is to make sure that you have everything you need to fulfill your role as the leader in your business and be able to perform at your best.”
  • “I know I’ve had times where I wasn’t performing at my absolute best and I watched as my business suffered because of it.”
  • “I didn’t have the mindset, tools and other elements in place that would allow me to lead my team effectively and fulfill my vision for my company. I discovered that I needed to put some specific things in place to keep myself and my business from sinking down low when things got tough.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
  2. Latest Instagram!
    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


How to Motivate Your Employees

Stepping Into Your New Role as Moving CEO

How to Achieve a Millionaire Mindset

Don’t Just Build a Business, Build a Life

Moving CEO Skill Development

How to Motivate Your Employees


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to motivate your employees.

  • “If you give somebody something to do and they don’t do it, you have to start to understand human psychology and why that is. You’ve got to understand what your team really needs from you to perform their best.”
  • “There are certain things that need to be in place if you’re going to get your team to be motivated and do things the way you want them to.”
  • “If you’re trying to incentivize them with money and bonuses, and you’re just dangling a carrot expecting them to perform their best because you’re paying them to… It’s not going to work.”
  • “There needs to be some fundamental leadership culture-building cornerstones in place that will allow you to build better relationships with your team and keep them motivated.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
  2. Latest Instagram!
    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


How to Manage Sales in Your Moving Company

How to Run a Virtual Moving Company

How to Achieve a Millionaire Mindset

Don’t Just Build a Business, Build a Life

Moving CEO Skill Development


Louis Massaro:
I want to talk about some fundamental leadership culture-building cornerstones here that will allow you to build better relationships with your team and keep them motivated because a lot of times it’s not a question of motivation. You know, a lot of what I’ve heard we recently over the last month is like, I’ve got this new whatever position or I’ve got somebody that’s been with me for a while and I just can’t get them to do what I keep asking them to do. I keep talking to them, I’m telling them what to do. I’m telling them what to do, I’m going over what it is, but they’re just not doing it. And people are coming to me and saying, well, I’ve got a bonus structure that I want to put in place to incentivize them to do what it is I’m asking them to do.

And repeatedly I’ve been saying, it’s not a matter of money that is the motivation, right? There’re other factors that bring motivation into the mix. And it’s not just about money, right? And I don’t believe that you need to incentivize every person in your company to do their job. I think there’re certain areas that require certain incentives and certain bonuses, which we’re going to talk about. But other than that, I think we just need to have certain criteria that are solid. And for me, it was a real struggle when I first started, I didn’t know how to get people to do what I want them to do. My mindset was I’m putting in the work, I’m figuring this stuff out, you figure it out and I would just give somebody a project and tell them to go handle it and expect them to figure out all the steps on how to do it, and then not only figure it out but then figure out on how to do it and how I would’ve done it and how I wanted it done.

And after a while of wondering why aren’t they doing it the way that I want them to do it? I started to shift and learn some different ways of managing and leading. And that’s what I want to talk about today. It’s really important. We don’t want to constantly be having to hire and train new people, right? Movers, absolutely. Sales people, sure. Those two positions, that’s part of growth. You know, that’s something that you need consistent hiring and training with, but everybody else in the office, you want to start building that relationship with them, building that culture with them, to where they have a true motivation other than the carrot and the stick, right? The here’s the carrot of this bonus if you do your job and here’s the stick and the punishment of what’s going to happen if you don’t do your job. Coming out of season, we’re starting to stabilize a little bit, right?

It might have felt like the wheels are coming off the bus with this busy, busy summer and we need to really not only get our systems and our processes in order, we want to take a look at how we’re interacting with our people. So one of the things is if you give somebody something to do and they don’t do it, we have to start to understand human psychology and why that is, right? What are the reasons? And one of the things that comes up time and time again when I’m talking to people and we’re kind of going through the scenario, well, talk to me, what have you trained them on? What have you talked to them about? When you have these conversations, what are you saying to them? What do they say back to you?

I’m trying to understand and diagnose the problem so I could help them with a solution. And what I’ve come to realize is the one thing we’re going to talk about what your employees and what your team needs from you. Okay. It’s not money, right? So let’s not think that we’ve got to motivate everyone with money. We will talk about that, and there is a place for that, but that’s secondary because if these key areas aren’t in place that we’re going to talk about, and you’re just dangling the carrot, and dangling money, it’s not going to work. Right? The first thing you need to do and the first thing your team needs is they need to know the steps, right? And stick with me if this sounds obvious, they need to know the steps of what it is you’re asking them to do. You’re trying to get your operations manager to hire movers, right?

You’re like, hey, we need movers, this is the process. This is what we need you to do. What I want you to ask yourself is, do they know all the steps, meaning first, starting with what’s the next step, right? When you send somebody off to do something, when you delegate something, whether it’s something you delegate or it’s a full-on, that’s their position, they’re taking ownership of it and they’re going to run with it. Do they know the next step to take? Do they know the next step after that? Right? The ability to take a project and chunk it down, meaning, if you say to somebody, hey, we need to hire 10 more movers.

That’s a project that needs to be chunked down into manageable actions. And what happens is as business owners, as entrepreneurs, that’s what made you make the decision to go in the business and to do things on your own is your ability to take something big and complex and break it down. But not everyone has that skill and not everyone has that ability. So we want to look at it because all problems that are happening in our companies are either people or the process, right? And before we blame the people, we want to look at how we’re interacting with the people. So it sounds so simple. It sounds so simple. But if you’re having trouble getting someone to do something, okay, if you’re having trouble getting them to do something, just look at it and say, do they know the steps?
You’ll save yourself so much time, energy, frustration, stress, if you give up on this idea that if I could do it, they could figure it out, right? Like they should be able to figure this out. There’s a reason that you are the CEO and there’s a reason that they work for you. It’s not a matter of you being better than them. It’s not that, okay? But we can’t assume that just because we’re able to break down complex stuff they’re able to break down complex stuff. And so this goes back to processes, right? Do they have the process? And it could literally be something so simple. Let me tell you why this creates a challenge because the person on the other end isn’t going, hey, you didn’t give me the steps, I’m not going to do it, it’s not that. They feel stuck.

They feel stupid, right? They’re afraid to ask for advice because you’re coming to them like come on, you should be able to do this and what might be stopping them, what might be preventing them from actually following through could be something so small. So small. I went through this for the last month with private clients and it was something so small and it would seem insignificant, right? After you place the ad for the movers and they call in, there was a void, right? I’m thinking of one scenario, there’re an operations’ manager and there was a void on what to do next. What’s the actual step? So if we’re going to set them up on a phone interview, what’s that step? I’m spending a little extra time on this because I know you’re like, yeah, Louis, I know they need to know the steps, but it’s so critical.

So this is all kind of a self-check if you will, on everybody on your team that you’re trying to get to do stuff, that’s not doing it the way you want to do it, I want you to start looking at how you are addressing it, make sure they know the steps. They need that. Okay. They need to know the exact steps. That’s the importance of processes, which we talk about all the time. The next one is what they need. Now, remember we’re talking about motivation, right? And when somebody’s not good at something, they’re not motivated to go do it. If you go to the basketball court and all you do is throw air balls up and just embarrass yourself, you’re not really wanting to go back, but if you start to get good at something, you’ll want to play more, right?

In psychology, it’s called competence, confidence loop. The more confidence you gain at something, the more confident you get at doing it, the more confident you’ll get, the more confident you’ll get. So when they know the steps, that’s how that all unfolds. Right? And so now they’ll be more motivated. We’re talking about getting them motivated which we’re removing all these little blocks that are causing them to just either go from motivated to unmotivated to possibly dreading their job, to getting back to a position of enjoying what they do and being motivated to help the team succeed as a whole. The next thing they need is clarity on goals and roles. They need clarity, right? Ask yourself, your team that you have, are they clear on the company’s objectives? Are they crystal clear on what it is you’re trying to accomplish?

Do they know what their goals are as an individual or in their department, right? What you’re trying to achieve, what you’re trying to attain, and then do they know the role that they play? Number one. Okay. The role that they play and the role that everyone else plays. So a role is who’s responsible for hiring movers? Who’s responsible for checking the voicemail when you come in on a Monday to see if there’s anyone that needs a request for a quote, right? Who’s responsible for what roles? So there needs to be clarity on this and I could tell you, because I’ve recently gone through a team change and just last week had a meeting on goals and roles to make sure that everyone was crystal clear on the goals of the company, and also to make sure that their crystal clear on their role and everyone else’s role.

Because what happens is when we… The mistakes happen in everybody’s company, right? A lot of times when we pass the Baton or when we pass the ball, we talk about dropping the ball. Well, most of the time when that happens, it’s because I got it, no, I got it. Like somebody didn’t know who’s role it was to have the ball at that point or there was no clear handoff to the next person. So you want to make sure that they’ve got clarity on the goals and their roles and your goal you could make it simple. Like, don’t feel that you’ve got to expose everyone to all your personal goals. I mean, listen, our goal is to serve customers at a very high level to perform a quality move and make an extraordinary profit while we’re doing it. Think about a goal that in one sentence you could clear up a lot of miscommunication, right?

It’s like, hey, they want to ask a question, well, should we do this? Or should we do that? Well, our goal of our company is to provide excellent service and make an extraordinary profit. Based on that, what’s the answer, right? If they’re clear on what the company objective is, what certain initiatives are. If you’re trying to roll out something new and if you’re trying to hire a bunch of new movers and you need to make sure that the people that are involved understand the importance of that and the overall goal, this is what’s going to allow us to do it. It’s not just about, hey, I need you to do this thing where they don’t understand that the thing you’re asking them to do has a bigger purpose, has a bigger cause.

I’ve found out over the years that a lot of times when we delegate and we ask our team to do stuff, they think you’re just giving them busy work. Right? They think you’re just trying to come up with stuff to have them do and if they understand the goal and they understand their role in achieving that goal, that creates motivation. Then I hear it all the time, it’s like, I’ve told them, or I’ve told her a bunch of times I’m like what’s a bunch of times? Like just curious, I don’t know, three, four, or five times. And what I tell everybody is you’ve got to have consistent conversations on expectations. When it comes to leadership, I’m sure we all wish we could have robots working for us that we could program and we could say, do this thing and you told it once and it’s going to go do it, but that’s not the reality of it.

And our mind starts going, I shouldn’t have to tell them this over and over. I shouldn’t have to tell them this over and over. I shouldn’t have to tell them this over and over. And so we start to just have a whole negative outlook on that person. When the reality is, there’s a lot of moving parts that they’re dealing with and we’ve got to have consistent conversations about expectations. Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition. Like if you’re struggling to get anyone to do anything in your company, slow down the initiatives, slow down all the new stuff you’re taking on and spend time with consistent conversation, repetition, repetition, repetition. I had someone ask me, Louis, I’m running out of topics for my mover meetings.

I’m running out of topics for my mover meetings. And I’m like, well, why do you need new topics? You’re still struggling with these three things. Keep talking about those three things over and over and over and over, right? Don’t worry about sounding like a broken record. That’s okay. That’s how people finally get it. And where we mess up, and what I messed up early on, I know some of you too, is that feeling of I shouldn’t have to tell them more than once. That’s your job, you should know how to do it, but this is leadership, right? It’s not programming robots to go do their thing. So consistent conversations. Anything that you want to have done, you probably could do five times more of the conversation than you’re currently doing. I wouldn’t even say double the conversation. You could probably have five times more of the conversation.

You talk to somebody about something once a week. You could probably talk to them about it every single day. This doesn’t need to be a meeting. It doesn’t need to be a sit-down meeting, whatever consistent message that I want to get across to my team, I use different formats. I’ll do a voice memo on my phone. Hey, just a reminder, what we’re working on today, and here’s the goals, here’s your role in this, send that out. Send that out, send that out. Right? I don’t need to go have a big meeting and sit down and waste time, but I want to make sure that there is a consistent conversation going on about expectations, right? And I think holding people accountable for their expectations, once they clear on their roles that’s management, right? That’s leadership. That’s part of owning a business.

We can’t allow people to sit because we’re afraid of the confrontation that might come from the conversation of that consistent message. We could do it in a soft, delegate way. It’s not like, hey, I thought I told you to do that. Like it’s not that. So the next one is in order to make sure they stay motivated. Because what happens is when they’re in an environment that they enjoy and this is possible guys, don’t think because you have a moving company and you’re not Google or you’re not Facebook or all these cool places that people talk about working at that you can’t have people that are there motivated to do a good job because you can. Right? It’s just all the stuff that shrinks them and brings them down and demotivates them.

And then we try to dangle money out and wonder why that’s not working either. They also need a safe place for questions and feedback, a safe space for questions and feedback. Basically, don’t shoot the messenger. Right? You guys have heard that. Don’t shoot the messenger. Matter of fact, hug the messenger or maybe right now from a distance. But embrace the messenger. You’ve got to allow for a safe space for people to ask questions. And there’s two parts to this. They need to be able to come to you and come to management with questions without you blowing up on them. Okay. We’re all guilty of it. Right? We need to be able to create that space and create that communication chain where we’re communicating on expectations and part of the expectation is how to communicate.

But when people bring stuff to you, you want that, you want to create an environment where all your employees are comfortable coming to you and telling you about all the problems and you got to like even if you got to suck it up. Okay. Thanks so much for sharing. Okay, thanks, I’ll let you know and you close the door and then you’re like mother, after they leave and they don’t hear you and you’re really truly pissed off and you want to tear some stuff down, hey, that’s you, don’t put it on them. Right? Because the first time you do that, the first time, they’re done coming to you with stuff, they’re done coming with things that could be really helpful to help the company, they’re done asking clarifying questions and in my company that’s a term. I can ask a clarifying question, which basically means I ask them to do something they’re not clear on exactly what it is and they need clarification.

And you want that because you don’t want to send somebody off and they’re not quite sure exactly what you want from them. Right? And so we’ve got to create this space where they could ask questions. It also goes when you’re sitting with somebody and the first part here was they need to know the steps. Right? I don’t know the percentage of people, if I had to guess, I would say at least half of the population is scared to raise their hand and say I don’t know something when the person in front of them is talking to them as if they should know it. And then when it’s an employee whose job it is to know that, you have to create a safe space where they feel like it’s okay to go.

When you’re like, hey, I told you, you need to put the ad in for movers. If they’re like, I don’t know how to post an ad and you’re not like what do you mean that you don’t know how to post an ad? You’ve got to create a space where they feel open to talk to you about what they don’t understand. Right? Because you rapidly, you guys think about everything that goes on in your head from morning tonight and growing your business and all it is you’re trying to do and all you’re trying to get everybody else to do. First of all, it’s not everything they’re thinking about like it is everything you’re thinking about. And it’s hard to keep up with all of it. Plus changes. Right? I mean, there’s always changes being made. People are trying to keep up with that stuff. They need to be able to ask questions on what’s going on. And you want to also, when you have conversations with people, be open, be vulnerable, show some weakness in that conversation. Okay.

Stick with me here, show some weakness in that conversation. Meaning, if you come to your team in a way of where it’s like you know everything and they should know everything. You’ve got to show, even if you’re exaggerating it a little bit, you’ve got to show look, I know this is tough, I used to struggle with this myself. We’re just really trying to get everybody on the same page and I totally understand if this is super confusing right now, just feel free to ask me as many questions as you need.

Even if you know it’s not super confusing, even if you know that they should get it, create that space that allows them to not go, okay. yeah, I get it, and then you wonder why they’re not doing it. Allow yourself to show a little vulnerability and a little bit of your weakness and like, oh, I used to struggle with this too because they’ll be like, oh, okay. So it’s okay that I don’t get this. It’s okay that I’m not understanding. This is what they’re thinking in their head. It’s okay if I ask a question, I’m not going to look stupid. People are so afraid of looking stupid, they’d rather not ask the question and then try to figure it out, and then we’re stuck going, why aren’t they doing it the way they’re supposed to do it? All right.

So the next one is what they need to know. These are all things they need to know. They need to know you care about them. They need to know you care about them. One of the things when I teach delegation, people will talk about is guilt. One of the reasons people don’t delegate is guilt. And it’s this feeling of, I need to let my team see how hard I work because if they see how hard I work, they’ll work hard. If they see how hard I work, they’re going to respect me. And the reality is, and just having been there. When I started, I had all my friends, I recruited all my friends to work for me. My first six, seven employees, all friends, other than a bookkeeper. And I felt the need to work just as hard or like, come on, we’re in this together.

And the reality is, they don’t care how hard you work, they just need to know that you care about them, right? That you treat them like a person, that you acknowledge them, ask them how their day is. I don’t mean like chit-chat bullshit water cooler stuff, you don’t need to sit and have a conversation with every single person on your team about everything they did over the weekend. Right? Because we also need to be efficient. We’ve got stuff we need to get done. But they need to know you care about them as a person. You care about their job and them being successful, and that not every interaction is like just go get it done, or why didn’t this get done? Why didn’t that get done? Because what this does is this builds up like an emotional bank account where when you do maybe blow up a little bit, they get it and they understand it, and you’ve had a bad day, but they truly know that you care about them.

I would switch the idea in your mind that they need to know how hard you work, that you need to prove to them that you’re a hard worker, you don’t. Prove to them that you care because when you prove to them that you care, you come to the office for two hours a week and they’ll respect you for it. They’ll respect you for it. And I know that’s hard for a lot of overachievers. A lot of people that are like, I’m in this, let’s make this happen, but we want freedom. Right? So this is like a double bonus here. Show them you care, you don’t have to work as hard to get their respect.

They just want to know that you respect them as a person. That’s all. Okay. So let me just recap those points. Things they need to know to stay motivated to go from feeling like about their job, where there’s like, okay, and go through the motions, we want to start lifting them up. Okay. And this happens with a consistent following of these principles. Number one, make sure they know the steps of everything they need to do. If they’re not doing it, it’s because they don’t know the steps. Just lay out the steps, walk through it with them. Don’t make them feel stupid. Let them know you know what? I know it’s a lot. Right? I get it. Let’s chunk this down. Let’s make it more actionable. And you start to train your team on how to take big projects and chunk them down into actionable steps.

Make sure they know the steps. Make sure they’ve got clarity on the company and department and personal goals, as well as their roles in achieving that, and everyone else’s role. Consistent conversations on expectations. Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition. Remove that thought. Okay. You’ll know the next time because you’ll hear my voice. The next time you go I shouldn’t have to tell them that again. I shouldn’t have to tell them again. Right? We can’t look at that and say you shouldn’t, we’ve got to look at it and say, what could we do to correct this issue? Because at the end of all this, if they’re still not doing what they’re supposed to do, then it could be a people problem. It could be that they’re not the right person and that happens and that’s okay and that’s part of the business. Make sure they’ve got a safe space for questions and feedback. Right? Don’t shoot the messenger, embrace the messenger. Let them see you care about them. Okay. So that’s what will help you motivate them and make them more positive about their job.

How to Manage Sales in Your Moving Company


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to manage sales in your moving company.

  • “If you’re spending money on marketing and you’re not maximizing it through proper Sales Management, it’s really cutting into your profitability.”
  • “Whether it’s you, someone you need to hire, or somebody already in your company that you need to promote… Someone must wear the Sales Manager’s hat.”
  • “Sales Manager is a role in your moving company that someone needs to own. Because your sales and leads are just too delicate of a thing to leave up to chance. They need to be managed by a proactive position in your business.”
  • “Lead providers, Google, Yelp, Angie’s List, etc… All these different places where a potential customer could end up. And it’s your Sales Manager’s job to make sure your company gets those leads and get them booked to maximize your marketing spend.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


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    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


How to Run a Virtual Moving Company

How to Hire Movers for Your Moving Company

Create Your Moving Company Sales Script

Customer Service Best Practices for Moving Companies

Systematize Your Moving Company’s Sales Process

How to Run a Virtual Moving Company


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to run your moving company virtually.

  • “Running your moving company virtually has advantages and it doesn’t mean that you have to lose any momentum or be less aggressive about selling and servicing moves.”
  • “Whether you have an established company with a full team of workers, or you are just coming up and looking to hire your first person, it’s no longer necessary to have a big office space where everyone can come to work every day.”
  • “Since the COVID pandemic, a lot of moving businesses have transitioned to having their teams work from home. And while this new way of working helps keep your overhead low by not having to own or lease a big building for your office, it also presents some new challenges for moving company owners to maintain control over their business and people.”
  • “There are advantages to running your company virtually, like having remote sales reps that don’t live in your city. Doing that can save you money on payroll and it really opens up your options for who you can hire. But, you’ve also got to know that they’re doing what they’re supposed to be doing. And you need to be able to feel confident and see what’s going on with your business from a distance. It’s totally possible to do that nowadays.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
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    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


How to Build a $10 Million Moving Company from Scratch

How to Hire Movers for Your Moving Company

Recession-Proof Your Moving Company Now!

Get Freedom from Your Moving Business

COVID-19 and Your Moving Business


Louis Massaro:
Whether you are an established company with a big office staff. You’ve got people in the building. You are coming up. Maybe you’re looking to hire your first person, but you’re like, man, where are they going to work? In order for me to hire somebody, I need to go out and get an office. Not necessarily. Right. Nowadays, it’s really important to make sure you keep that overhead low. So there’s a few things that we’re going to address today. We’re going to address, look, COVID’s a real thing, lockdowns are a real thing. We’ve got a lot of craziness going on in the world right now, but your business has to continue to thrive, right? You can’t be stuck. You can’t be fearful. You can’t be not doing the things you need to do. And when your people are at home, which they may have been forced to be at home for a while, or you may have made that decision to let everybody work from home, you want to make sure you’re still on top of them.
Right. You don’t want to lose that momentum. You don’t want to lose the aggressive approach to selling and servicing moves. And so I want to give you this layout here that I’ve been essentially helping private clients do with their business and break it down for you to show you that it doesn’t have to be where you see everything., right? So I want you to just think about how this will apply to you and your business, whether you’re like, hey, maybe I could start hiring some sales reps that aren’t in my city. Right. When you start talking about remote team, you broaden your reach on who you could have work for you. You might be in a city that… Maybe you’re in a big city and maybe the wages are really high, and maybe to find a good salesperson costs you a lot of money.
You might be able to find a rockstar in a smaller city somewhere in the country that’s not going to cost you as much. Right. Same thing with ops, or the reverse. Maybe you’re in a small town and you need someone that’s more of a fast talking salesperson to be able to do the sales. You’ll be able to find that. So, everything that you can do in your business, right. What we want to do is you just want to look at it and go, okay, how do we do the stuff that we do today in person at the office, but virtually? And the most important thing that you need, right, as the owner, is to maintain control and to feel control. When we talk about remote teams, that’s what most people, the feeling is, how am I going to control this?
How do I know that they’re doing what they’re supposed to do? Right. How am I going to be able to see what’s actually going on? And so that’s why we’re doing this today. So we’ve got sales, we’ve got ops. We’re going to talk everything from booking jobs to servicing moves with the premise of nobody is coming to the office. Okay? So, first thing we need to do is we need to set up what’s called your virtual command center. Okay? So if you think about when you’re at the office and you’re there, you have your way of sensing what’s going on. Right? You’re there, you walk around, you see some stuff on your computer. Maybe you call somebody on the Intercom on the phone and you talk to them. If somebody has a question, they come to your door. If you have a question, you go to their desk. Right?
That’s how you are running things day to day. So now we need to establish your virtual command center, right? And what you need to have basically up on your screen or up on your two screens on your computer to be able to run this. And so when we talk about the virtual command center, as the owner, you might have one version of this. As a sales manager, you might have another version. And as an operations manager, you might have another version. Okay? So I’m going to break all this down for you. But the thing to remember is, as an owner, that’s your CEO hat. Right? You have that hat. But if you’re also sales manager and you’re also operations manager, you’re wearing both hats, but you might have separate people for those teams. Right? So the way that everyone is set up is going to be a little bit different.
So let’s start by going through the tools that you’re going to need to be able to run this virtually. We’re in a whole different era here in 2020 of what we’re able to do without actually physically being at the office. And I could tell you from working remotely for the past few months, there are definitely areas where you become more efficient by not having that comfort of being able to just walk right up to somebody’s desk and say, hey, what’s going on, or come knock on my door if you need some help. So let’s talk about the tools that you’re going to need. First one is SmartMoving or whatever CRM that you use. You guys know that I’m co-founder of SmartMoving CRM software; runs your entire moving company. You need a CRM. Okay?
Doesn’t have to be SmartMoving. There’s other ones out there. Okay? This is obviously my recommendation, but you need to have that. Okay. So with sales, you’re going to be able to manage all of your leads, see what’s going on. You’re going to be able to watch all the follow up to see what’s all the… your remote sales team. Are they sending the emails? Are they making the calls? Are they sending the text messages? What are the notes in the system? How do they communicate that they need some help with this job? Once they book the move, where do they put the notes, so when it gets to operations, everybody knows what’s going on. Okay. So, we’re going to talk about how to use these tools in the different departments, but let me give you a general idea of what you’re going to need for your command center.
Second one is RingCentral or another phone system of your choice. You need something that is virtual. You need something that’s Voice over IP, so that people are able to run off of your phone system from home. You don’t want everybody at home working off their cell phones. Okay? You need to maintain control and distribution of calls from one central place. So, any phone system that could do this, great. Okay, if you don’t have, Ring… I’m not affiliated. RingCentral’s just a universal Voice over IP tool that’s pretty inexpensive, and allows you to have all the calls come into one place, and then you route them wherever you want them to go. You could have people all over the country. You could actually have people all over the world that are receiving calls, but they’re coming through and you’re able to monitor what’s going on.
Remember, this virtual command center, this is like what you as the either sales manager or operations manager has up on your screen to watch what’s going on. Okay? So what’s important here is that this is how you track what are your sales people really doing. Right. Are they making calls? Are they receiving calls? What about, can I listen to those calls and monitor those calls? You need a phone system that’s going to be able to allow you to do that with a dashboard that you could watch what’s happening in real time. Right. One of the keys to working from home is that anyone that is a inbound phone representative, meaning their role and function within the company is to receive calls. Okay? So whether it’s from customers or whether it’s to receive calls, maybe dispatch needs to receive calls from the movers. Anybody that needs to receive calls, whoever’s running the operation needs to be able to look and see what the status of each person is. Right.
In other words, if you’re working at home and you’re in sales and you need to step away for a minute, right, they need to put that phone in do not disturb. Their status needs to be do not disturb or their status needs to be available, or you’ll see they’re on the call, because that’s going to allow your phone system to distribute those calls evenly. Okay? Those of you that need help setting this up, go into your moving sales academy training in the foundation, there’s a whole lesson there on setting up your phone system on everything you need for the queues and how to route calls and what happens if nobody answers and all of that. That would take up this whole hour right here if we were to get into that. So, make sure you’ve got your CRM, you got your phone system, and then you need some kind of instant messenger tool. Okay.
I recommend slack. Okay. So Slack is basically just like a internal communication tool for in within your company. A lot of companies will replace the use of email internally and go to Slack instead. But how this works is basically anytime you need to communicate with your team, right, where normally maybe you’d look over and say, hey, what about this and what about that? Right. Or a salesperson might walk over to dispatch and say, hey, do we have availability for today? You could send a message through Slack. You could use any. You could literally use text messages if you wanted to, but with Slack, it allows you to set up different channels. Okay? So you could have a sales channel. You could have a dispatch channel. You could have a local dispatch, long distance dispatch, local sales, long distance sales, accounting.
So you could have different channels, so that there’s different communication going on between different people within the company. All right. I’ll even show you how we could use this with the movers as well, but you need some type of communication to where sales reps on the phone, they have a question for the manager. They have a question for dispatch. They’re able to send that message right away. And the reason I like Slack is there’s just a bunch of other cool add-on features that you could do automated bots that could ask your sales people automatically at the end of the day like what challenges did you have? How many jobs did you book? Are there any outstanding leads that we should follow up and do an authority takeover to get that job booked? So you could have that sent out automatically.
So it’s a cool tool. And, yeah, anything you want to use for instant messenger, I recommend Slack. Again, no affiliation. Number four is Zoom. Okay. You guys know the past couple of months, we did our livecast, we did them on Zoom. And the reason Zoom is so good, it’s just like instantly you’re face to face with somebody. And when you get used to that and you start using that tool as in the same way you would, as if you were in person with somebody. Like past couple of months, my private client groups usually come here to my office and we spend two full days together. We’ve done those calls over Zoom for two full days. Right. So, and the feeling as if it’s like you’re there with the person. So if you’re, let’s say you want to pop in on somebody at the office normally. Right?
And the normal scenario, you want to go walk into accounting and talk to them about something, you send them a Slack message. Hey, can we jump on Zoom? Sure. You jump on. You’re face to face. You’re talking, you record the call if you want to train somebody on something. Right. When you’re hiring for sales, you could do the interviews on Zoom. I had, when was it, two months ago, private client lost a couple sales people; two sales people, because when everybody went home, right, work from home, they didn’t have a good setup there. They weren’t equipped for it. Everybody was home. The kids were home. There was homeschooling, there was too much going on and they just weren’t capable of doing it. So I was like, all right, listen, let’s get you some more sales people.
Let’s hire four, okay, remotely, and train them all through Zoom. Run them through the same training that you guys have in Moving Sales Academy. Run them through that same thing. Right. And so instead of training them in person, you’re doing it over Zoom. You’re running through the same PowerPoint or keynote slides that you would normally train somebody on. And so just look at this as your face to face. Right. This is your face to face for anything you need. It doesn’t have to be a meeting that you set up in advance. You could literally send somebody a message. Hey, could we jump on Zoom real quick? And you’re on face to face. All right. Last one here is your truck GPS. Okay? So for dispatch, you’ve got to make sure that you know where your trucks are. And this is whether you’re working from home, whether you’re at the office, you want to… This is your virtual command center.
Okay. So the main areas of focus for sales are going to be SmartMoving, RingCentral, Slack. They might have Zoom just to be able to if you, as the owner, want to speak to them directly, or you’re going to do enhancement training, which we’ll talk about. They have that ability. And then dispatch will have SmartMoving, RingCentral, Slack, Zoom, and truck GPS, right? So we’re not going to get into administrative staff today, but you could totally have all your customer service bookkeepers, all of that operating from home as well. Either they’re operating based on objectives that they… and milestones that they have to hit, certain things that they have to accomplish, so you could tell if they’re actually doing the work. Or you could monitor their work and see what they’re doing and track their time. There’s tools out there. I think they’re called Harvest or Toggl. Just you could Google how to track remote employees in their work.
And you could see what they’re doing all day if you’re concerned that you’re not going to be able to monitor what’s going on. All right. So this is essentially your virtual command center. And then of course, there’s other stuff as well. Like you’ve got QuickBooks online for your bookkeeping. You might have Dropbox or Google Drive to store all your documents, so everybody has access to them, so that you don’t have to actually have files of things. So, that’s going to give you your command center. All right. So start thinking right now real quick about what other tools you would want to have up on your screen to be able to monitor what’s going on remotely.
All right, let’s talk about sales next. All right. So, mornings Zoom huddle. Okay. So, those of you that are familiar with the morning huddle, right, it’s a five to seven minute meeting every morning that the sales manager performs. And remember, you don’t have to have a dedicated sales manager, but someone’s got to wear the sales manager’s hat. So if that’s you as the owner, if that’s somebody that you maybe they’re a team leader and you have them fulfill the roles as a sales manager, someone has to wear that hat, because there’s too many moving parts in sales and too many areas for jobs to get lost. So the morning huddles, that five to seven minute meeting where you’re just like, hey guys, yesterday Chris, you had a great day. You made all your dials. You did all your follow ups.
I know you only booked four jobs, but they’re going to come back in today. Tommy, you got to step up the calls today. Yesterday your calls were low, the calls are what’s going to make you the money. Right. And you get everybody fired up for the morning, get the direction. Well, how many jobs are you going to book today? All right, good. Well, I’m working on that one big school job. I’m going to get that landed today. Great. What are you going to get done? You do that normally standing up in your office with your sales team. Get them fired up and get the direction going for the day. And the reason that you do it is because otherwise most people coming to work like [inaudible 00:15:53], I need a fourth cup of coffee. Right. And they get the coffee and they go back to their desk and they pull up SmartMoving and whatever you use.
And, right, that’s how they start the day. You’ve got to set the tone. These are your troops. They’re going out there to make you money. Somebody’s got to get them fired up. Right. And believe me, I didn’t want to do this back in the day. Right. You might say, Louis, but you seem enthusiastic. Because I realized that that’s what needs to be done to get to where we want to go. If you have people under you, people working for you, you have to lead those people. Right. So if you’re not going to be the person to do it, someone else has to do it. So the same way you would do it in the office with everybody standing up, you could do it in Zoom in the morning. You have a set time every morning. Everybody hops on Zoom. You have the communication. It’s like you’re face to face and you start the day. Okay.
Second one is monitor leads and calls. This right here is how you really start to manage the day-to-day of your sales operation remotely. The sales manager, whoever’s wearing that hat, is inside of SmartMoving and your phone system or your CRM, whatever you’re using and your phone system, and you’re watching. The same way you do now, right. The same way you go in now, and you go through all the leads and you see where people are. Are they doing their two plus one follow ups on the new leads? Right. Are they [cementing 00:17:27]? Are they calling messaging, email, texting? What about the jobs they quote? Are they following up five X follow up after the fact? What about when a job needs an authority takeover, right, on the third follow up so that they could get another voice and the sales manager could call and close that deal.
This all could be done remotely. Right. We just, what we do is we take away the comfort zone of being able to see everybody. But instead of seeing them, you’re now watching their actions. Right. Seeing them physically can be very deceiving. They might seem busy. They might seem like they’re on it, but what are their actions? Are they doing all their follow ups? Okay. Are they booking jobs? How about their calls? Are they making dials? Do they have talk time? My recommendation is that everyone makes a minimum of either 75 outbound calls per day, if they’re working a full eight hour shift. 75 outbound calls per day or four hours of talk time. Okay? And the reason for that is because if you’re working an eight hour day and your job is sales and your job is to call leads and take inbound calls. If you’re not getting four hours of talk time a day, what are you doing? What are you doing with that time, if half of your day isn’t spent doing the thing that your job is supposed to have you do? Right?
And the reason it’s either or is because some days the inbound calls aren’t coming in. Some days, the outbound calls are going out, but you can’t get anybody on the phone. Right. So if that’s the case, that’s where the more dials come in, right, because now what are they doing? They’re calling new leads. Right. Two times the first day. One more time the second day. Call, message, email, text. Plus, they’re also doing follow ups for people that they talk to. This is not an aggressive number. I know it might seem like a lot; 75 dials or four hours of talk time. If you work in a call center that’s doing outbound [cold 00:19:32] calling. It’s like a 200 call a day quota. Okay? So if that’s not where you are, start somewhere. Make it 50 calls a day, make it 30 calls a day.
The first step is to first identify what those numbers are and that’s why I recommend RingCentral, because you could get those numbers out of there. All right? So for sales, that’s how you really know, are they doing what they’re supposed to do? Because you’re monitoring their leads in SmartMoving. You’re monitoring their calls in RingCentral, you could see all the text messages they sent through here and the emails they sent through here because they go out automatically through SmartMoving. Right? So this way you make sure that they’re doing what they’re supposed to do without feeling that you need to hear them and stand over them. Right? Third one is manage with reports. This whole thing, even if you just did this as an exercise where maybe you’re like, Louis, I don’t want to work remote. I like going to the office. I like my people in the office.
Great. This is not me recommending that you go remote. Let me just clear that up real quick. I’m not recommending that you go remote. This is a convenience thing. It’s a cost savings thing. It’s a safety thing. And it’s a lifestyle thing. Right? I have a private client, she’s like, look, I don’t want to have an office. I want to have people working remotely and let them work from home. I want that to be my culture. Right. And let it be a benefit of working for my company. Cool, great. I’m not going to argue with that. It’s all about what you want. But even if you did this as just an exercise of, let me pretend everybody’s remote and force yourself to run it as if you can’t see them, as if you can’t walk over to them, you’ll probably tenfold the efficiency of your business, okay?
By managing with reports, it forces you to focus in on the metrics, okay, focus in on the numbers that really matter as opposed to what you hear and what you see, okay? Are they getting the talk times and dials? What is their booking percentage? How many new leads did they take, right? You might have a rep that’s taking too many leads. You need to dial that back, right? So you want to manage with reports, again, you guys have this in your moving sales academy training. I believe it’s called manage with reports. It’s a whole lesson on all the reports that you need to run. It’s in there, but just you’re dialing in everything to be able to run it, again, without those normal senses that we all feel so comfortable with. Right?
This is, when I open my first additional location to where I wasn’t there, it was a huge shock because all of a sudden, I couldn’t see what was going on. Right? So this is really helpful too, for opening additional locations. Weekly Zoom meetings. Okay? So I recommend that you do a weekly sales meeting. No more than an hour. You get everybody. This is whether you’re doing it remotely or in person. Okay. In this case you would just do it on Zoom instead of in person, right? I’m just showing you that everything you do in person, you could do remotely. So you have your weekly meeting.
You want to pick one to two topics for these meetings a week that are based upon booking more moves, right? One or two topics that you can train your team on and discuss and improve and make sure they get the perception of how you want them to see things. Or maybe there’s a new concept that you’ve learned that you want to implement, and you’ve got to have the time to set up and discuss it with your team. That’s what these weekly sales meetings are for. Okay? They’re not for like, Hey guys, tell me what’s going on. Right? You could go around and get victories from everybody as a good way to start it off. Tell me some victories you had this week. Tell me one great thing that happened.
And you could start it off that way, and you want to end it with some motivation. You want to end it with some encouragement and some inspiration to get out there and book some moves. But it’s about taking, if all of a sudden you implemented a new script or all of a sudden, you’re like, Hey, we’re going to start doing follow up, which I hope you guys are doing. Right? We’re going to start doing follow up. You need to talk to your team about it. You need to get feedback. You need that time. That’s the time you do it. In these weekly meetings, I always recommend that you try to bring your whole sales team in and do it at once. You might have to do two shifts or two separate meetings, depending on how big your team is and forward all the calls to operations, forward them to bookkeeping, forward them to accounting, forward them to your spouse. Right?
Get somebody to take the phones for that hour, once a week. So you don’t miss calls. Okay? You don’t want to miss calls and you don’t want to be in a meeting. And everybody’s like, it just won’t work. If you’ve tried it before, I’m sure you have, where you’ve had the sales meeting. You’re like, oh, phone’s ringing, Louis says their calls are gold. We got to get those calls. And somebody leaves and they go get the phone. It just disrupts the whole meeting. Okay? And enhancement training. Okay. Enhancement training is the process of taking your existing sales team and making them better. Okay? And the way that you do that is you start by listening to their calls, right, pick five random calls from each salesperson, listen to them. Right?
So now you’ve got RingCentral or another phone system that has these functionalities to where you can either monitor and listen to the calls live. While they’re on it, you could just click on the computer, listen, and now you’re listening to the call. You could actually even do what’s called a whisper feature to where, if you’re trying to train somebody, you can log in as whisper. And let’s say, they’re talking to a customer and you could go, offer them a three-man crew. Offer them a three-man crew. The rep will hear you. The customer won’t hear you. And you could guide them through the conversation. Right? So you want to listen to five calls and you could do it through recordings as well.
Recordings is usually going to be easier because you don’t have to catch them while they’re on a call. You pick five random recordings. You’ll have your calls being recorded through your phone system. You’ll listen to them. Again, most of you are in Moving Sales Academy. There’s a lesson called Enhancement Training. Go watch it. Download the Moving Consultant Evaluation guide that’s in there, all right, that’s going to give you a whole checklist of what to listen for on the calls. And then once you identify areas where they could have improvement, you bring them in, you talk to them, you discuss those areas of improvement with them because that’s what’s going to make them better.
Too many people go and try to hire a sales team. And it’s like, Hey, go ahead. Do your thing. Let me see what you got. And they send them out there to swim or sink and wonder why their sales aren’t where they want them to be. All right? When I had 70 reps on the phone, it wasn’t because they were all rock stars, it was because Enhancement Training. We were working with them. We were coaching them. We were making them better. We were showing them the areas where they could have improvement. We’d pull up the recording of the call and we’ll say, you see right there at the end where you hesitated? And you’re like, okay, well, do you want to set it up with us? Or do you want to call around? You don’t say that. Here’s what you want to say. Okay. We actually have availability on that day. Do you want me to set you up in the morning or the afternoon? Right? Or you’re all set. Do you want to put that on a Visa or MasterCard? You want to roll into the reservation and other areas as well, right?
So when you’re listening to it and you have the evaluation guide and you’re able to identify where they can improve, you take somebody that’s okay on the phones and you turn them into a rock star. And so you have the whole conversation with them. You set up a Zoom call, right, and you have the whole Zoom call right there. You could pull up the recording, listen to it together. Everything you can do in person, okay, you could do through Zoom. All right? So you’re like, okay, Louis, that’s great and everything, but what about operations? What about movers? Right.
Now, of course, operations, movers, it’s not going to be as ideal of a situation or as easy of a transition. But if you’re forced to go on some kind of work from home or you just feel that that’s what you want to do for safety. Or you feel like, Hey, you know what? This might be a nice model that I can implement into my business to where I don’t need to go get that office and commit to that rent right now. Let me run this off of a very low overhead. You could still do your operations with it as well. So first thing is crew text confirmations, okay. This is something that you do it right out of SmartMoving. If you have crews that you want to see who’s coming in tomorrow. In other words, get confirmation that they’re going to be there. Let them know, Hey, you’re needed. These are the jobs you’re doing. I need confirmation.
SmartMoving will send a text message out to them. And all they have to do is reply I believe with just a C. You guys probably know if you let me know down in the chat. I think it’s just a C, it’ll show up in your system that, Hey, this mover confirmed that they’ll be there tomorrow when you need them to be there. Right? Save so much time instead of having to text everybody or call everybody or wait until they come back and talk to them. So you’ve got that going on, right? So now your crews will be there and remember your dispatcher, whoever’s wearing that hat, again, it might be you, is setting up the jobs and setting up the crews from home, right, in your virtual command center.
You send out the text, you know they’re coming in and now we’re talking about trying to go totally virtual. Right? So you don’t have to go all the way to the extreme. You could dial it back a little bit and have some stuff virtual and some stuff in person, but assign trucks. You probably already assign trucks to drivers, meaning this is your truck when you’re here. If you’re not here and we need to use the truck, I’m going to give it to somebody else. But, I always like to assign trucks to a particular driver because then they take care of it. Right? They make sure it’s clean. They make sure they’re more accountable for what’s going on. Well now you truly assign that truck to the driver, meaning you give them two sets of keys, right, and it’s like, you could check in on them periodically to see how the truck is or have them shoot a video and send it to you. But they’re responsible for that truck. Either they are parking it where they live, or there’s a yard that you have where you keep everything.
But for the most part, they’ve got the truck, they’re responsible for it. And there’s no need to be there in the morning to assign trucks. But then you’re like, Louis, what about boxes? And what about equipment? All of that. And my take is, ideally I want them in my warehouse. Ideally, for me, I’d like to be working at the office. Okay? But we’ve got to be able to adapt to the times. Right? We’ve got to be able to be in a position where we’re not scared to do this if we need to, to where, if we go on lockdown again, you’re like, Hey, I’m on it. I’m going to make the shift. I’m going to pivot. We’re not going to slow down because of this.
Well, if you can’t have your equipment and your boxes and everything they might need locked up in the office, you could do an equipment container, okay, with camera. So this would be like a storage, I hate to use the word pod because I got to trademark on that. But basically a storage unit that you deliver to the customer’s house, right? So even if you don’t have your own, you could literally rent one, put it where your trucks are parked. Or if you park your trucks in a self-storage unit, you could even put one in there. Now you can get a camera that operates off battery. You could even do a ring, if you’ve seen the rings where basically you monitor a whole thing from your phone, somebody rings the doorbell and you could go on your phone, pull up the app, see them and have a talk with them.
I don’t know how much they are, but they’re cheap, okay, for what they are. You could put one of those in there on battery and say, Hey guys, when you get there, you put the storage unit or the container on a combination lock. When you get there, hit the ring from the inside, let me know what it is. Let me know what you’re taking. You want to make sure you’re getting truck inventory. All right? So we talked about slack before. You could have it set up in there where there’s already a template set up for truck inventory. Those of you that have my truck inventory sheet know that actually all of you should have it. It’s in the operations training under dispatch. Okay. That you need to have them every morning. How many pads? How many straps? How many two wheelers? How many four wheelers. How many 1.5s? How many 3.0s? What’s on the truck?
Well, when they go take new equipment, they’re going to need to let you know what they’re taking. You could have it all set up in a template. They could go to the app on their phone, fill out their inventory, let you know what they’re taking. Okay. They could even communicate with you right there in that very cost effective, battery operated camera that you could talk to them from your phone, wherever you are. So you’re not even stuck at your desk, and figure out what’s going on. So that’s an option there. Then electronic paperwork. You’ve got all of your… you have no need to get them paper bill of ladings. You’ve got all your bill of ladings if you do storage, all of that is electronic. You assign them a truck. You assign them a tablet. That’s all run again through SmartMoving, and all the paperwork your customer signs, is done electronically. There’s no need to have them somehow scan copies of paperwork to you, or bring paperwork to the office. It’s all electronic.
And then perfect move pictures. So in the operations training, there’s a less called the perfect move and what this is it’s, I give you a checklist in there of what the movers should do the minute they get to the job, the minute they’re ready to leave for the drop off. Right? When they’re done with the drop off, all of that. And the idea is that you create what is your ideal, perfect move and train your movers on it. Instead of like, Hey guys, go out there and do a good job for this person. No, train them on customer service, train them on as soon as they walk up to the door, you want the driver to shake hands of the customer. Maybe not right now with all this going on. But you might have different protocol.
You might have had to update your perfect move currently. You show up, maybe they got the gloves and the mask, just to show that concern. Whatever it is, you’ve got to have that outlined and in the perfect move, what I like to do in there is once you get to the house and you put down your floor runners, and you cover the rails and you protect the door jams, I like to have them take a picture of that and send it to dispatch. This way you know it’s done. So this takes away the need, I still think spot checks are really important going out and checking on your movers. But if you’re in lockdown, people are working from home or you don’t have that ability because you have the whole team working from home, they send pictures of stuff like that.
Once the truck is loaded, I want to see how the back of the truck is loaded. Take a picture, send it to dispatch. Right? Once the truck’s empty, take a picture, send it to dispatch. So this is if you’re like Louis, we’re operating remotely now. It’s been tough. Implement all this. If you’re like, look, I want to scale, but I don’t want to go get an office. This is how you could do it. If you’re like Louis, I want to continue to work in my office. Great. Pretend that you can’t see the people. Or maybe your office is set up to where you’re maintaining six feet. I’m maintaining six feet from only Chris and I in the office. Nobody else is here. So I’m maintaining the six feet. You could still use all these tools.

How to Increase Your Revenue Per Move


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to increase your revenue per move.

  • “The customer needs certain things when they’re moving, like packing, cleaning, mounting, storage, etc… And you could provide those things. You just need to make sure they know about that stuff and that they see it as additional value from your company.
  • “During the off-season, the volume of moves naturally decreases. It just happens. For years, I was trying to overcome that to where there was no difference in the winter, but traditionally the household goods moving space is going to dip when you come out of summer.”
  • “What usually happens is moving company owners start to think that the only thing they can do is raise their rates. But there’s really more that you could do.”
  • “Things like upselling additional services and increasing the number of attempts you make to provide value for your customers can really make a big impact on how much money you are able to make with the same amount of moves.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


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4 Must-Do Marketing Strategies for Moving Companies

How to Win in the Moving Business

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It’s important as we’re coming out of season, that the volume might naturally decrease. It just happens. It’s one of those things where for years, I was trying to overcome that to where there was no difference in the winter. So you might be able to supplement the work you do with some other their type of work. But traditionally the household goods moving space is going to dip when you come out of summer, usually moving season ends about September 15th. So with less moves, I remember sitting down and saying, okay, look, we are doing everything we can to book as many moves as we can. We have all the marketing, the sales process is strong. What do we need to do? Well how can we make more money per move? Right?

If we only have a limited amount of moves, whatever it is, you could still be doing 300, 400 moves a month, but it’s still a limited amount. How can you make more per move? And I think what happens is we start to think that that only is… We can only do that by raising our rates. And there’s really more that we could do. And, if we could add the value to our customers, we could look at our rates. We could increase the attempts that we’re making to upsell additional services. We can really make a big impact on how much money that we’re able to make with the same amount of moves. At the end of the day, you want to be doing that all the time. Anyways, that became a common theme for me and my company, which is how can we raise the RPM, the revenue per move, or the average move? Can we raise that? Right?

Because you know, if you’re at 800 and you go to 900, times the amount of moves you do, or maybe you’re at 1500 and you’re able to go to 1800, whatever your average move is, I’m pretty sure by the time we get through this, you’ll have some ways that you can go and increase that. All right.

So first section here, first thing we want to look at is increase value. The first thing you want to do, anytime you want to make more money, how could I provide more value? So how could you provide more value to your customers? Right? So this isn’t about just increasing rates. It’s like, what else can we do that they’re in need of, that they’d be willing to pay? And a lot of times I think people fear providing any additional services because they think maybe their customers only have a limited amount of funds or a limited amount of money.

And they want to be willing to pay for extra stuff, but they are, right? They need certain things. You could provide certain things. You just need to make sure they know about this stuff. And they see it as additional value from you and your company. So first thing is packing. I know that’s obvious. I know it seems simple and basic. However, are you making a push to sell packing on every single move? Whether it’s just the essentials, the breakables or full pack. So, that was kind of the different packages that we had. Which helps break it down for customers, because they don’t know what they need when it comes to packing. So if they need a full pack, everybody gets that everybody understands that.

But you could offer a breakables packing. Where we just come in and we handle the China we handle anything that’s delicate, anything that’s the breakables. The stuff that like, if they pack it themselves, they’re going to break. Then you can do the essentials where you’re also doing like their pictures and things like that. So to decide what’s in those packages. So definitely write down essentials, breakables, and full pack and decide for you, because it’s different for everybody what’s included in each of those packages. And so in other words, the idea is not to package each one as a price, but to make decision making process easier for the customer. So they don’t feel so overwhelmed. It’s like, hey, we could just kind of come in and do the essentials. We could do the essentials package.

We can come in and just take care of your breakables. The stuff that requires a little extra skill and professionalism to pack, or we could do the full pack. Then you’ve got boxes. Selling boxes to the customer ahead of time, where they come to your office, they pick them up, you deliver them, you send them directly to their house. I had a client tell me they started shipping… Great idea. Genius idea, actually. Shipping directly from Amazon to customers houses for boxes. Like they took the order and then shipped the boxes from Amazon. Super easy. That’s extra money that you can get. Plus having that on the job as well. This, you could also sell on the job, not only ahead of time.

Unpacking services. So we tend to think the move is done. It’s over and we move on, and maybe the customer doesn’t want unpacking up front, but you could offer unpacking services on the day of the move and to where you could either do it that day or come back and do it. But at least you want to plant the seed in their mind that you offer these unpacking services to where you’ll come in, unpack everything, place it where it needs to go, haul away all the boxes. Okay. At the end, the moving day, they’re exhausted. They’re like, no, I don’t know. We’ll let you know. But the next day, when they’re feeling beat up from that move and they don’t want to do all this unpacking, why not send one or two people out to do the unpacking and collect additional money on that move. All right. It’s again, you’re providing additional value where you can charge extra money for that value.

Mattress bags. So, you go out and you move mattresses every day. Well, what are you putting those mattresses in? Are you shrink wrapping them or are you putting them in mattress bags? That’s an easy sell. You just like start talking about the cleanliness of their mattress. All of a sudden the words, bedbugs come out of your mouth. And they’re like, yeah, what do you got? All right. What do you got that you could put on these mattresses? So again, that could be sold at the time of the reservation, but that could be sold on the day of the move as well. Okay. So sometimes they’re not thinking about it at the time of the reservation, but mattress bags are a huge, huge… Listen, it could add an extra 20 to 50 bucks a job, depending on how many bedrooms they have in the house, right?

Cleaning. Whether you want to do a full on cleaning or a light clean, and a light clean could literally mean they sweep up and vacuum. You could easily charge an extra $100 to $200 base on whether you’re doing that just at the pickup or at delivery. And then you could do a real full on clean as well that maybe you can get the crews to do, or maybe you send a cleaning crew in there after the fact to do a real thorough cleaning where. The toilets, the countertops, thorough deep cleaning, like a cleaning crew would do. But easily, easily, you can add a cleanup with the broom vacuum. Keep them in the truck. And that’s an extra a $100, a job, easy. All right.

Mounting. For years, I didn’t want to be bothered with any mounting or dismounting, but now flat screen TVs are so common. Who doesn’t have a flat screen TV? Everybody’s got a flat screen TV for the most part. So if you have one person, okay, not even have to train all your movers, you have one person that can go out there and mount for them. They make kits. The kits are super easy to do. You drill one hole, you drill another hole. You put the kit in, you run the wires, they level it. They put it up. That’s something that they’re most likely going to pay somebody else to do as well. If you have someone on the crew, especially like if you have to send somebody out, okay. You know, it might not be… You’ll still could get 200 bucks maybe even 300 bucks per mount. However, if you could do it while you’re on the job, okay. That’s just extra money per move. All right. All you need to do is train your guys on how to do it. It’s not that hard.

And then storage, all right. Always have storage paperwork on every job. You never know when you get to the house, if there’s any items that the customer’s like, you know what? This doesn’t really look good here. This doesn’t fit the way that I thought it would fit, but I don’t want to get rid of it. Right? If the movers are there and prepared with storage paperwork and inventory sheets and inventory stickers to go ahead and take that stuff back to storage. Listen, we would take a whole home of storage or we would take one piece of furniture.

I can’t tell you how many times, like a couch or random stuff, chairs, dressers. They didn’t want that or they brought it there and you know, they thought it was going to fit in the space. Sure, we’ll store it for you. Right. And they paid to keep it in storage until they figured out what they wanted to do with it, which a lot of times was keep it in storage and keep paying us. So this is increasing value. So you want to increase value because when you increase value, you have additional things that you could charge for.

Go ahead. And in the comments, this is your community here. This is your moving mastery community. What are some other ways that you can increase value? Right? If you’ve got some additional ones, put them in the comments down below, share them with your community. Let’s talk about this here, because you know what, at the end of the day, everybody here needs to be making additional money per move. So even if you’re sharing something with your direct competitor, which what I’ve found is within the moving mastery community, that word kind of goes away. You know, it’s nice to have that friendship in your community, but even if you are, this isn’t about gaining a competitive advantage over somebody, it’s like, you’ve already got the move booked. How can you make more money on that move?

So increase value is the first way, the second way increase rates. Plain and simple. Increase your rates. And I think a lot of people are scared to do this, and the people that do see… I mean, I was here with the mastermind group. I don’t know, losing it, 10 days ago or a week ago, whenever it was. And, one of them I had worked with as a private client for quite a while. And I remember in a conversation with him and his wife, I said, you need to raise your rates. And he literally got up, walked out of the Zoom call. And I was like, “Where’d you go?” She’s like, “He went to raise the rates.” He did that two more times since then, their rates are higher than they’ve ever been. And they’re still booking jobs. I don’t know the exact amount off the top of my head that that equated to, but it’s a lot of extra money from them, because I know the first time you raised it by like $10 an hour than another 10.

So first one is, increase your hourly rate. Local moves. Increase your hourly rate. Don’t be afraid to do that. Even if we’re coming out of season, what a lot of people think is that when it slows down, you have to lower your rates in order to book move. But what you need to look at before you ever, ever, ever lower your rates is, is our booking percentage going low. Right? In other words, what happens is we come out of season, you have less leads. So if you have less leads, of course you’re going to book less move moves. But if you’re still, let’s say you’re booking at 30%. A hundred jobs come in, you book 30. Well, if 200 leads came in, you book 60 And then it slows down and a hundred leads come in.

Now you’re only booking 30, you’re in a panic. You’re like, oh my God, we’re only booking 30 jobs. We need to lower the rates, but you’re still booking at the same percentage. You just have less leads. So don’t be quick to lower your rates and really raise your rates. You’ve got to try. You’ve got to get out of that comfort zone. You just treat it like a hot stove where, all right, we lower the rates. I’m going to put my hand on this and see, if it starts to get too hot, I need to take my hand off before it takes all my skin off there. Right? So the point is, don’t just raise the rates and then not pay attention to what’s going on. You’ve got to pay attention to your booking percentages to see if it makes any difference. But don’t be afraid to raise your rates.

Same thing with long distance. Your tariff rates, everything you charge for in your tariff, raise that as well.
Travel trip and truck fees. So whether you charge a travel fee, whether you charge a trip fee or a truck fee, typical someone would charge one of these. For us, we charged travel time. We started the time when we got to customer’s house stopped the time when the last it was off the truck. And then in a local Metro vicinity, we charge one hour for travel to compensate the men for their drive to and from the job. That’s how it was explained to the customer. But you know, maybe you charge a trip charge or a truck charge. Well, what is that trip charge and truck charge. You know, some people are like, we charge $45 trip charge. So what’s the difference if it’s a $65 trip charge? Do you think you’re going to not book the move from a $45 trip charge to a $65 trip charge or truck fee?

Or your travel time, maybe you only charge half the time in travel instead of the full hour in travel. Like maybe instead of your full hourly rate, you charge half your hourly rate. Can you raise the rates here? So this is to get you thinking about where you… You might say Louis, we’re selling boxes, we’re selling on packing, cleaning boxes, all of that. We’re doing all that. Well, can you raise any of these rates? So you’re really looking for where you can increase your avenue per move.

Fuel. When I started, I based on just kind of picking rates and seeing what people did, I had no idea what I was doing when I started my business. And I was charging a 10% fuel surcharge. And then I’m like, you know what? I looked at the math and I’m like, I’m going to change it to 12%. I forget exactly at the time, I want to say at least I knew on a 100,000… What was it? It was a 100,000… I just don’t want to….

Yeah. So my thought process, I forget what it was. For every 100,000 that we did, that’s an extra 2000 bucks. Later I raised it from 12% to 18%, because there was no kind of pushback from when I went from 10% to 12%. I’m like, you know what, I’m going to go from 12% to 18%. No pushback. You can imagine what that did to the average move.

The revenue per move. So if you don’t charge for fuel, you could charge for fuel. Now of course, when it comes to your rates, it’s about how they come together as a complete package. It’s all about how you present all of that to the customer. So for us, it was for local, long distance was long distance, but for local here’s our hourly rate. We start the time at your door. Stop when we’re done at an hour for travel, and then there’s a standard transportation fuel surcharge as well. And that showed on their estimate when we sent it to them. And that’s how it was presented.

So you just got to look at this and say, how can we piece this together to where we can increase it? So your baseline here is whatever your average move is now, whatever your revenue per move is now is your baseline. And then you’re looking at it and saying, can we raise it by 50 bucks? Can we raise it by a hundred? Can we raise it by 150? And chances are with all of this, you can.

Packing. I did the same thing. Our 1.5 box… So we charge per box for packing. Meaning if it was an hourly rated move and let’s say we were doing it all on the same day. A lot of times a pack job was the day before. But let’s say it was all on the same day, we’d say, we’re going to send you out. You know, the crew they’re going to come, they’re going to pack everything for you. We charge for packing by the box. This way we could take our time. We could pack everything with care and you don’t feel like we’re dragging our feet, taking our time. And we build in the labor and material into the cost of the box. So for example, a 1.5 box, a book box was $9. Right? Then I was like, you know what, let’s make it $11. And across the board, everything went up like that. So whatever you charge for packing, can you increase that by a dollar, $2, three, whatever it might be, where can you increase for packing.

Storage? For years, I charge $45 a vault, okay. $45 a vault for years. And the storage price, when we were quoting, never really seemed to make a difference to the customer, for some reason. Even though they were paying that month after month, when I raised the price, it didn’t really make an impact at all. And we still booked the same amount because we offered one month free storage or when we were moving into a new facility and it was a ton of extra space. I’d offered two months free storage, but I went from $45 per vault to $65 per vault. That’s $20 per vault difference with the average customer having six volts. So what is that? $120 per customer per month extra. Per customer, per month extra.

So maybe you don’t go… Actually, I’m sorry. We did do a short term, very short. We went to 55 of vault from the 45 to the 55 for a very short period of time, and then went to 65 and stayed at 65. So make that jump, make that leap. And you could always… Don’t do it to customers that just moved in. But if people have been in your storage for quite a while, it’s common to send out a notice to say that rents are going up.

And valuation. So if already charging for additional valuation, so it’s not insurance, but basically saying, hey, we’re going to collect this much extra you know, we’re going to collect an extra $600, $700 from you and we’re going to cover the entire shipment instead of just giving you 60 cents per pound. And the only reason I don’t have valuation over here is increased value because it is an increase of value, is because I wouldn’t say rush out and start selling additional valuation if you don’t already. Because, there’s a lot that needs to go into that first.

Like you have to have really good claims tracking. You’ve got to know your numbers to the T to know, okay, if we do this, here’s what we’re paying out. You can’t just assume we’re going to charge extra for the valuation, make that extra money, and it’s all good. A lot of people do make a lot of money selling additional valuation. I never did it because I didn’t really want to be bothered with it, but I know a lot of people that are making money, but you’ve got to have your numbers dialed in. So you know exactly where your claims are coming from. How much you’re paying out. But, the only reason I would say is that there are people now that either pay out fully for everything that they damage without collecting any money for valuation or are charge for valuation and still paying out everything fully.

But you could raise your prices on what you actually charge for, for the valuation. So we’ve got increased value, increased rates. Third one is increased attempts. All right. So when do we offer this stuff? Right? We’ve got all this additional things that we could offer to increase the value. We could increase our rates, but we need to increase the attempts of selling and upselling this additional value. So where do you do that? Well, first, rate on the reservation. Rate when you book the move, you go ahead and you ask about all this stuff as well.

Ones the move is booked. Don’t flood the customer with all this. By the way, I know you’re just calling for prices, but we could charge for this. We could do this, we could do this. We could do this. We could do this and get all these extra costs. Book the move, because that’s the most important thing. You don’t want to sacrifice the move for the sake of trying to increase the revenue per move. So book the move, once the move is booked, then you can let them know about all these additional services as well.

Seven day packing checkup call. So this was something that we implemented as part of that question of the ongoing theme and the company of like, how can we increase the revenue per move? How can we increase the revenue per move? And we started doing a seven day packing checkup call. Because, we had customers. We were offering packing at the time of the reservation. But what do most customers say? No, no, we’re going to take care of that ourselves. We’re going to take care of that ourselves. Well, what happens is they get out seven days. They’re like, okay, we’re a week away. Something about a week. Once you get a week or two weeks, the numbers register. Like right now, we’re two weeks in a few days for moving moving mastery summit.

But once we get to two weeks, the number is registers different. Once we get to it registers different, I’m like, “Oh man, it’s like, this is a week away. We got to make this happen.” So when they’re seven days away from their move and you call and ask them, just calling to see how things are going, just want to see how your packing is coming along. If everything’s getting prepared. And if they’re in a place which a lot of people are where they’re like got a million things to do, they had planned on doing the packing themselves. Yeah, we’ll do the packing. But now maybe they started the packing or maybe they haven’t even gotten to the packing yet, and they’re a week out and they’re like, you know what yet, can you tell me about packing again? I know you told me about it on the reservation, but can you talk to me about that?

Do you have somebody that could come out here still between now and then and pack us? Seven day packing checkup call. Huge. If you’re not doing that now, start doing that. Okay. Number one, it’s great customer service. Because the call essentially is not a sales call. The call is, we’re just calling to see how things are going. I know we are a week away. Just we’re ready. Just wanted to see how you’re coming along, how your preparations are going. You know, how’s the packing coming along. Oh great. We’re packing everything up. Awesome. All right. Well, my dispatcher is going to call you two days before the move and we’ll confirm everything again. Then we just wanted to check on you. If they say the packing’s going fine, you’re not like trying to push packing on them and close a deal.

You’re basically there to offer additional value in that seven day period. Then you’ve got the two day confirmation call. So, hopefully you’re doing a confirmation call one or two days before the move, where for us, that was a scripted confirmation call, where we made sure that we hit on certain points. And in this confirmation call, we were asking them pretty much all of that. I wasn’t do when any mounting, I would do that today. But the packing, the boxes, mattress bags, storage are you going to need any packing at all? Right? Are you going to need to bring anything back in storage? Because if there’s just a few items that you need to be held for a little while, we could definitely do that for you. And we were confirming the move. Like not just saying we’re going to be there, but going through all the notes, making sure that the dispatcher had an opportunity to wear, even if the salesperson did a terrible job, putting notes in the system and booking and communicating with the customer.

This is when you could save that. This is when you could turn that mess of a job back into a good job. Right? And for me, there were times when we had like an assistant dispatcher make the calls, but I really like to have the dispatcher themselves make the call, the person that’s going to be in charge of coordinating and sending out the crews so that they could hear the customer’s unique moving needs to find out like what the deal is and how we could service them the best. And which crew would be the best based on what they’re saying. Definitely. And, it’s a great opportunity for upsells as well. On the move. Once you get to the move, customers aren’t packed. They’re trying to put stuff in garbage bags. They’re trying to like get things going. And it’s a great opportunity to sell packing. They don’t want you to packing. They don’t want to pay for the packing. No problem. Sell them some boxes. Because we’re not bringing the garbage bags on the truck. Stuff needs to be packed.

The mattress bags, the cleaning, the mounting, the storage, the unpacking, you could offer all of this on the move. And it’s important that when you do offer additional services, regardless of what your laws are and regulations are, make sure the customer knows upfront what the additional cost is going to be. Don’t just start packing up boxes and then hit them with a bill. Like here you go, right? Interstate moves. You have to revise the estimate for any additional charges up front, a lot of states as well. But it’s also just the right thing to do.

Emails. So now you’ve booked a move. So once you booked a move, you’re sending out emails to them, like prepare for your move. Maybe you’re sending some for the seven day packing, two day confirmation. Make sure that in those emails, hey, did you know we also offer these services well, right? If you don’t tell them, they don’t think about it. If they don’t think about it, they don’t see how that could work for them.

If you never knew of Uber, and somebody comes along, like you could go on an app on your phone and just get a car to come pick you up. In other words, if people don’t know about stuff, they don’t start thinking about how they could utilize it in their life. All right. So make sure whatever emails you’re sending out there’s also a little section that has additional services.

On hold music. So we had on hold music that was specially made. So we had it made. So it was the music. But it was talking. Thank you for calling Neighbors Moving in Storage. Please hold, we won’t be long. We want to make sure that all your needs are met. By the way, did you know that we also offer packing services as well, where we could have professionals pack all of your belongings up or maybe just a few items on the day of the move or even come out ahead of time? Don’t need packing. No problem. We sell boxes as well. We’d be happy to give them to you at a wholesale price. Do you need anything stored? We’d be happy to store stuff right now. We’re offering a promotion for one month free storage. Anything that you want them to hear? Don’t ever let a customer sit on hold and not let them hear valuable information about your company. It shouldn’t all be like sales. It should just be stuff like, yeah, offer boxes.

Make sure you ask your moving consultant about how we could get you some free boxes. And it’s also reassuring them that they’re with the right company. Hey, did you know that we won the Angie’s List Super whatever it is award, three years in a row? Our customers love us on Yelp. We got a five star rating. All of that type of stuff. It’s super easy to make on hold music. If anybody needs a recommendation, just email us at support. Have a company called The Informer. I don’t know if you could look them up. You might be able to just look them up online. The Informer on hold music, the guy’s name’s Casey. Did my on hold music. You know, for time I needed to make changes they made changes.

You say, we want a man. We want a woman. We want them to sound mature. We want them to sound young. And they send you a bunch of options of voice, of talent. And you’re like, Ooh, I like that person. Here’s the script. Have them read that. Oh, here’s all the choices for music. Here’s the music. Here’s the person I want to read the script. Here’s the script. They put it all together. They send you a file that you upload into your phone system, and that’s it.
And all of your marketing material. All of your marketing material, like on your website services provided. If somebody’s reading about you, let them know all of this additional value that you could provide for them. If they don’t know it, they’re going to go somewhere else. I mean, I have a private client who, the name of his company is his company’s name movers. And he’s trying to push storage. But on his website on his postcards, it’s like storage is like a little bullet point. I said, “We either need to get storage big, across the top with pictures of your warehouse, or we need to get a DBA of your company’s name. And instead of movers, moving and storage.” If customers don’t know that you offer certain things, they don’t just know what moving companies do. A lot of people think that you’re just going to come in and move the heavy stuff.

They don’t even realize that you can do all of it. So make sure they know about it. These are the ways that you can increase revenue per move. Here’s what I could tell you. I did this, not the whole presentation here, but I went through this with a private client. I don’t know if it was a year ago, whatever it was. Eight months, 12 months. And they were doing on average, I think the average was like 220 moves average when they averaged out over the course of a year, a month. And it was $92 a move extra. So 220 times 92. It’s 20,000 a month, times 12. That’s $242,000 a year. So don’t take this lightly. And you know, if you’re like Louis, which one should I do? Whichever one you’re not doing. You might be like, wow, we could do all of that.

All right. Well, pick one, start with that. Incrementally start adding it. Maybe you start your upsell processes. Maybe you start your seven day packing checkup call. Maybe you get your on hold music made. Maybe you come in here and say, you know what, let’s actually make some adjustments to our pricing, so that we can actually make more money for each move that we’re doing. Set yourself a target.

I would say to set self a target of $50 to $100 per move. That you’re going to increase it. I mean, that was the $92 over 220 moves a month. It’s almost a quarter million dollars a year for the same moves. Yeah, you might have some material cost. Yeah, you might have to pay the guy a little extra to clean or to mount. All of this stuff is just extra money. And this is just all… I mean, this is good customer service. This is good customer service. This is good value. This is good customer service. And this is just smart marketing to make sure that everything is in there. All right. So get that extra revenue per move.

Create Your Moving Company Sales Script


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to create your moving company sales script.

  • “A well designed sales script is going to make sure that everything you need to say to that perspective customer is said, and you don’t leave anything out.”
  • “How many times have you arrived to a job and the customer’s like, “Nobody told me about the travel time.” Or “They didn’t tell me about this and that.” If you’re not using a sales script in your moving company, and instead you’re just trying to rattle off bullet points at somebody on the phone about your services, sometimes you forget stuff.”
  • “There are many things that need to be said to a customer during a sales call. And having a sales script ensures that your sales team is saying the things that you want them to say, every single time. All the things you want them to always say, and all the things you never want them to say. If you build it into the sales script, it will get said.
  • “How do you know if your moving consultants are giving the customers all the important information they need and are able to answer all the customer’s questions correctly on every call? How can you effectively train and manage your sales team and ensure that they are being consistent on every call? How do you know that you are in legal compliance with local county laws, state laws, federal laws on every call? Having a sales script.
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
  2. Latest Instagram!
    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


Systematize Your Moving Company’s Sales Process

Top 5 Moving Company Sales Tactics

Motivate Your Sales Team

Build A Moving Company Sales Machine

Misconceptions About Sales By Moving Companies



Who uses a sales script in here? Okay. Crucial, crucial. Now, I know there’s a lot of stigmas about sales scripts. I know there’s a lot of people that don’t like sales scripts, and it’s probably because you call the place one time or they call you one time and you could tell that that person probably didn’t graduate the third grade. And they’re trying to read a sales script to you, and it just sounds awful. And you’re like, “No, I’m not doing that at my company.” Okay? A well-designed sales script is going to lead the customer to book their move with you. It’s going to make sure that everything you need to say to that perspective customer is said, and you don’t leave anything out. How many times you get to a job and the customer’s like, “Nobody told me about the travel time. They didn’t tell me about that.”?

And you know what? Sometimes, when you’re just trying to rattle off bullet points at somebody, sometimes you forget, right? It ensures regulation compliance, okay? There’s many things that need to be said to a customer, and there’s many things that cannot be said to a customer to make sure that you are in legal compliance. Local, county laws, state laws, federal laws, you build that into your sales script so that you make sure it gets said every single time. It increases sales, period. Ensures always say and never say. There are things right now that you know you don’t want your team to ever say to a customer. You never say that. But there’s things that you want them to say every single time. Make sure you tell every customer this. Just build it in the sales script, and it will get said.

So increasing sales. There’s people in the room that I work with personally. There’s people in the room that have been to Moving Sales Academy in the past that have been in the online course that didn’t have a sales script that implemented a sales script. And so I get reports daily of people’s sales going up, not just because of the sales script, but it’s a big part of it. Okay? So these aren’t just my theories or my thoughts or some good idea I had in the shower. These are facts.

It keeps the moving consultant on track. So what you have is you have moving consultants that’ll say, “You know what? I don’t want a script. I like to flow and kind of be natural with the customer and just have that conversation,” which is important. But then they’re having that conversation and they’re like, “Okay. All right. All right. Where was I?” Right? “Where was I?” And that’s how the travel time gets left out. That’s how the things that you need them to always say don’t get said, right? So now, with the script, you’re going through the script. Customer interrupts you. They have a question. You’re free to go to the side and have a conversation away from the script with that customer. Talk to them, right? Go through whatever they discuss with you. Maybe it’s an area of concern that provides opportunity to close the deal.

Right? So if they bring you in a side conversation about their grandfather clock, you’re writing that shit down. “Grandfather clock, da, da, da, da,” because you’re going to use that to close the deal at the end. Right? But now, you go right back to the sales script. “Where’d I leave off?” Right back. Okay. And it flows. Easier to manage. If you have a team of people that they’re all saying different things to people, you can’t walk through your office. I mean, I’m not going to try to count. But let’s say, I mean, I used to have 60 something people in my office on the phones. So it’s at least this side of the whole group. If I’m walking through and everybody’s saying their own thing, I don’t know what they’re… How can I manage that? You can’t possibly manage that. Or even if you just have a few people and everyone’s off on their own different version of the script, you don’t know where they are.

Right? But when you know your script like you know the Pledge of Allegiance, you could identify exactly where they are. And you’re like, “All right, they’re about to go in for the close.” Right? And you could know, are they saying it correctly or are they not saying it correctly? And whoever’s managing the sales team, it makes their jobs so much easier. Consistent training. We’re going to talk about how to really train people. Not like, “Hey, come on in. You’re going to sit here next to Tommy for a couple days, watch what he does. You’ll be good to go. And we’ll give you a phone in two days.” Right? Real training. They know a script. They learn the script. They know what to say. It builds confidence in them.

What makes a good salesperson? When they know what to say. How do they know what to say? When you give them what to say that you know works, right? When they know what to say on the front end, you’re halfway there. When they know what to say when the customer says, “You know what? I need to think about it. I need to talk to my husband.” And they know what to say to overcome that and get them to book now, now you’re all the way there. They just need to know what to say. And if you could train them on what to say, you’re closing deals. You’re increasing your booking percentage. And it answers common questions in advance. You know what every customer’s thinking. And if you haven’t really thought about it before, think about it. Make a list, make a little side note to make a list of everything that every customer’s ever asked you. You build that into the script. You ever talk to somebody and you’re thinking something and then they say it before you even ask them the question? You’re just talking.

And most of us, when someone else is talking, we’re not really listening, tuned in to what they’re saying. We’re thinking about our question or we’re thinking about what we want to ask or we’re thinking about what we’re going to say next. Right?But when all of a sudden, that person answers your question, you’re like, “Ah.” And they do it again. And they do it again. It builds trust. And it’s like, “Ah, he gets me.” Right? “I want to do business with them.” It puts the whole… It’s like they feel like they’re in good hands at that point. And company image consistency, right? It’s just consistent across the board. Everybody’s doing the same thing.

If you want to scale, it’s necessary. It’s necessary. And I know. I know there’s people that have teams of great sales people. I know somebody, I think it was the last, in the spring. They said, “Louis, I have 12 salespeople and they’re really good. I brought them in from the outside. They’re really, really good. They’re closing deals. I’m trying to get them…” He had the online course. He said, “I’m trying to get them to follow the script, but I’m having a really hard time doing it.” I said, “Well, are they good on the phone?” He said, “Yeah, they all kind of have their own style.” I said, “Well, let ask you a question. Do you believe that if they follow this script, it will help them increase their sales?” I don’t care. Right? I hope that you guys go out and create a better script than I’ve created for your own companies.

Right? I don’t want you to reach where I was. I want you to reach beyond where I was. I mean, that’s my goal for every one of you. So I said, “Do you believe that if they actually use it, it’ll help them? They’ll make more money?” He goes, “Absolutely. 100%.” I said, “You have to show them that you believe. You have to get them to make that change.” And I know it’s hard and it may not happen overnight. But if you believe it, don’t just do it because I said, “This is the script to use.” If you don’t believe it, if you’re like, “No, this guy, Louis, he does a lot better than you do in your script.” Leave him alone. Or you take what he says, write that shit down, put it on a document, and make everybody else say the same thing. Right? I mean, that’s really what it boils down to is consistency. What is our best message? Remember the octopus, right? If you’re a one man show, it’s very easy to do everything yourself.

It becomes very scary to delegate because you’re like, “Ah, they don’t do it as good as me. They don’t do it as good as me.” I told you I had 60 something people. There was a few that definitely could outsell me, right? But the rest, I mean, I’d take them down in a competition anytime. But what am I going to do? Go, “I’m the best.”? No. Here’s what I say. I’m going to put it on a piece of paper. Now, all of you say the same thing, right? That’s really what it’s all about is if you’re going to extend yourself and you’re going to grow and you’re going to have more, what do they call it, tentacles? From an octopus, what do they call those? Arms. Let’s call them arms. If you’re going to have more arms, you need to make sure that each one of those arms is doing the same thing that you’re doing. Make sense? All right. So the greeting, right?

Very simple. Your greeting, “Hi, thank you for calling Neighbors Moving and Storage,” type of estimate and the benefit. Okay? So I don’t need to ask the question. I already know. Some of you book hourly rate. Some of you book flat rate. Some of you book by the piece. Some of you book by weight. Some of you book just flat rate. Any other ways? Cube, cubic feet. Okay? I don’t care how you book. Make that customer believe that the way you book is the only way to book. It’s the best way to book, right? They have to believe that. I’m not going to tell you which way to do it. Do it how you do it. But tell the customer, “Thank you for calling. We’re going to go ahead. We’re going to give you an hourly rate for the move. The benefit of that is you’re in complete control of the move.

When the guys get to the house, you sign them in. When they get out, you sign them out.” Right? “We’re going to charge you by the cube.” Look, whatever it is, make sure they know the benefit and make sure you sell that type of move. Because that type of estimate, because there’s people that you’re competing against that are selling something different, but they’re not selling their type of estimate. They’re not thinking about that. You want the customer going, “No. I need an hourly rate.”

When they call somebody else and the guy wants to give them a flat rate, we all think that typically a customer would want the flat rate. Not if you sell them on the benefits of the hourly rate and they believe you. Then you gather information, basic information, okay? This is when you start to do lead capture, right? Name, email address, how many bedrooms, square footage, if you know it. Simple. Don’t ask too many questions here. Then you paint the picture. So painting the picture is one of the most important parts of the script. Okay? You need to realize that when you talk to somebody, when I’m talking to you right now, you all have your own vision going on. Hopefully, it has something to do with sales scripts, right? But you’re kind of putting pieces together for yourself. You’re like, “Oh, shit. I could see where if I put this here and they start doing that. Oh, yeah. Okay.” Right?

We’re visionary beings. Right? We hear something and we envision something. So it’s not all about the words on the paper on the script, bullet point, bullet point, bullet point, bullet point, right? That doesn’t capture them. You’ll notice that a lot of the points that I’m trying to make, I paint the picture for them to help you understand where we’re going. So you paint the picture for the customer so that they can emotionally buy into your pitch, right? If you’re just like, “We charge by the hour. We disassemble. We reassemble. We’ll throw in some free boxes.” Right? You’re hitting bullet points. You’re not touching them here. When you touch them here, you have a different opportunity to close the deal. Okay? So let me give you an example of painting the picture.

So if you’re doing an hourly rated move, you could be like, “All right.” You’re talking to them. You’re going along. You get all the information. And you’re like, “So what we’ll do is we’ll send you out three professional movers, a truck, and all the equipment. They’ll come to your home. They’ll quilt, pad, and wrap all of your furniture, load it onto the truck, unload it at the new location. If there’s anything that you need disassembled or reassembled, they’ll do that for you as well. They’ll also set everything up and place it exactly where you’d like it in a new home.” You see where I’m going with that? I’m hitting bullet points, but I’m doing it in a conversational way where they’re thinking about their first house. They’re like, “Okay, they’ll come in, load it on the truck. Okay.

Oh, they’re going to disassemble. Okay. I was worried about that. I didn’t really realize. They’ll set everything up exactly where I want it. Oh my God. I didn’t even. Okay. Cool. Professional movers are awesome.” Right? They’re envisioning their new house with everything set up exactly where they want it. They’re envisioning these professional guys showing up at their house. This is really important. You don’t want to miss this part because… And I had a sales rep say to me one time, he’s like, “Well…” Because there’s always, they’re good at sales and they come in and they have their way of doing it. “Why would I tell them we’re going to unload the truck? It’s obvious. If we load it, we’re going to unload it.” Right? Well, when you’re talking about painting the picture, it’s an incomplete picture, right? The complete picture of a successful move is the shits unloaded at their house everywhere they want it, exactly where they want it to be.

And believe it or not, not all your customers know that you do that. We have to recognize that. You guys do this every single day, so we take it for granted. But there’s a lot of people that don’t know what a moving company provides. They’re just like, “Oh, you mean you take boxes too?” Right? They don’t know that you do the whole thing. They’re just thinking, “Oh, I need a few guys to help with the sofa and the armoire and things like that. And they’re going to drop it off in my garage and then I’m going to have to get it inside.” Never take it for granted. Always paint the picture with everything you do, and never leave anything you do out of painting the picture.

Stepping Into Your New Role as Moving CEO


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to step into your new role as a Moving CEO.

  • “When I started my moving company as a 19-year old kid, I was working out of a truck rental yard. There was no CEO talk. It was just hustle and grind, hustle and grind. But when I started to realize that I was building an empire, I needed to take a different approach.”
  • “The person that I was, the leader that I was, the business owner that I was, that got me to that level, wasn’t the person that I needed to be to manage the business that I had built and manage the business moving forward, and to be able to scale. And so I adopted the identity and the mindset of being a Moving CEO.”
  • “Even if you go 24/7, even if you go 25/8, the reservoir of hustle and grind runs dry. It’s not scalable. So you need to shift the way that you run your business.”
  • “In order to shift and scale, you’ve got to set yourself up by stepping into this new role as Moving CEO, to be able to handle things differently.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.


  1. Join the Moving CEO Challenge: Official Louis Massaro Community Facebook Group! A place for moving company owners to connect, share ideas, and inspire one another. Click here to join!
  2. Latest Instagram!
    Check out @LouisMassaro for new announcements, valuable tips, and enlightening videos to take your moving company to the NEXT LEVEL!


Moving CEO Skill Development

Moving CEO Mindset – Part 1

Moving CEO Mindset – Part 2

Decisions to Make Before Scaling Your Moving Company

How to Gain Freedom to Scale Your Moving Company


Louis Massaro:

All right guys, welcome back. We are on our final day, final episode, of the Moving CEO Scaling Series. And I got to tell you, this has been a fun 14 days being here with you guys, going through this stuff, and really just bringing myself through this place of growth and expansion. It gets me thinking about what I have going on in my different businesses. These principles are really universal. And when we talk about scaling or moving company, it’s so important that we lay down some of these fundamental truths about what it’s actually going to take to make that happen.

So those of you that maybe are just joining us for the first time, we started off, the overall theme of this series is stabilize, systematize, then scale. Because what happens is too many people rush off and try to grow and try to scale, but they haven’t stabilized their current business, they haven’t systematized their current business.

Today, it’s important that we talk about your new role as moving CEO. The reason is, because I want you to realize, that in order to scale, in order to grow, in order to get to that next level, we’ve got to shift our mindset and we’ve got to shift how we perceive ourselves into that role of moving CEO.

For me, when I started, I was a 19 year old kid, I was working at a truck rental yard. There was no CEO talk. It was this hustle, grind, hustle, grind, hustle, grind. And when I started to realize that I was building an empire and I needed to take a different approach. Because the person that I was, the leader that I was, the business owner that I was, that got me to that level, wasn’t the person that I needed to be to manage the business that I had built and manage the business moving forward, and to be able to scale.

And so I adopted this identity and this mindset of being a moving CEO. And literally changed, started going to the office and slacks and button downs. And I had my whole team in the corporate office there, wearing ties. The whole call center, everybody’s wearing ties. Dispatchers had to be in their polos. And we just really stepped up the level of the business.

And it wasn’t because what everybody wore made such a difference, or what I wore made such a difference. For me, it just signified that switch of, “Okay, I’m a business owner. I own a few businesses,” to, “No, I need to start running my business like a CEO.” Why is it that these major companies can handle so much and have so many employees and so many moving parts and be so profitable? And it’s just a different way of approaching it.

And so what we want to do, is we want to be able to run our business differently. If you’ve ever heard the expression, “What got you here, won’t get you there”. I had to realize that the hustle and the hard work got me to a certain level, and then it was … I was stuck. You run out of hustle and hard work. You only have so much hustle and hard work to tap into, that reservoir runs dry. Even if you go 24/7, even if you go 25/8, the reservoir of hustle and grind runs dry. It’s not scalable. So we need to shift the way that we run our business. And in order to do that, and in order to scale, we’ve got to set ourselves up and we’ve got to step into this new role as moving CEO, to be able to just handle things differently.

And it’s a transition. And you’ve been through transitions before. I mean, throughout your life you’ve always been who you are and true to you, but you’ve had different identities and different transitions. When you went from middle school to high school, you changed a little bit. I didn’t go to college. But if you went to college, you might have stepped up a little bit into that more grown up role. And then you go out in the workforce. And then maybe when you started your own business, you’re like, “I’m a business owner now.”

What I’m saying to you is let’s take it beyond the business owner, to this moving CEO mindset and this moving CEO role. Because it’s not just a mindset, it’s a role. It’s a new function, it’s a new job description, it’s a new set of priorities that you focus on day-to-day in your business. It becomes totally different. Business owner, hustle and grind Louis, was working on much different stuff than moving CEO Louis.

And that evolution, it’s there. So I just want to push you to step into that role. I want to push you to get into that role and start embracing it. And it’s not something that you could watch this video and then all of a sudden you’re, “Hey, I’m a moving CEO,” but you start thinking that way. You start thinking that that’s what I need to step into. And you start to recognize the actions that you take day-to-day.

And after you take that action, you’re like, “Wait, is that how a moving CEO would handle that situation?” And now you start to monitor yourself and you start to watch things through a different lens. You see things differently. You see things more as part of the bigger picture, as opposed to being lost in all the day-to-day details. The dollars are in the details. But it’s a matter of getting those details on point, stabilizing them, systematizing them, and then starting to zoom out.

And the first thing you’re going to want to do, once you get it stabilized, once you’ve got it systematized, you’ve got to start working towards … not abruptly just do it … but working towards removing yourself from the day-to-day, removing yourself from the day-to-day operations.

And now this doesn’t mean that you’re going to stop going to work, it doesn’t mean that you’re going to just go on vacation, it doesn’t mean that you’re just going to start sleeping in late and hanging out. It means that you’ve got to start looking at each function of the business that you’re involved in and start to, little by little, established ways to remove yourself from those processes and those functions.

And you’re going to do that through processes and through people. Through setting up delegation practices. You need to set up your processes and how to establish those. We’re going to talk about that as well. And, little by little, start removing yourself from the day-to-day.

And so the biggest thing with this, and the biggest thing with delegation that comes with it, is fear. “What if the people don’t do it right? What if I’m not here and people take advantage of me? I’ve tried to delegate before and it didn’t go well. What if they do this wrong and they do that wrong? I’m the only one that could do that.”

And so that will keep us trapped. And I’m telling you this because I want you to be anticipating the things that will pop up for you as you make this journey and as you step up into that moving CEO role, by removing yourself from the day-to-day. It all depends on where you’re at. It all depends on your ability and knowledge of laying out processes and the systems of exactly what to set up, of how long this could take you. This could take you 30 days. This could take you three years. It really all depends on how much of a priority you make it, how much you follow the formula of stabilize first, systematize second, then scale. In order to scale, you need to remove yourself from the day-to-day.

But if you remove yourself from the day-to-day and the business isn’t stabilized and it’s not systematized, you’re just going to have more problems. You’re just going to have more problems. And when we talk about removing yourself from the day-to-day, not everybody has the vision, not everybody has the dream of building a massive company. I know a lot of you just want to enjoy your life. A lot of you just want to be able to go take a day off in the middle of the week and do whatever the hell you want to do. You want to spend time with your family? Great. You want to go party? Great. You just want to be able to actually live life.

And in order to do that, you’ve got to remove yourself from the day-to-day. In order to do that, you’ve got to have systems in place. In order to get the systems in place, you’ve got to first stabilize. And I’m just going over all this because I know not all of you have been here for all 14 days, and I just want you to really understand the process. When we think about something so big, when we think about, “Let’s build a $100 million moving business,” it seems overwhelming. But when we start to really break down the steps and realize, “Okay. This is possible. It could be done. I could do it. But I need to start where I’m supposed to start and I need to follow those steps. And it’s going to take some time. And I need to know that I’m headed to the right place, I’m on the right path. And I just need to do the work.” That’s it. So that’s the first thing, remove your yourself from the day-to-day.

Then you’re going to need a new set of reports, a new set of reports. Because now, when you remove yourself from the day-to-day, you need clarity and insight into what’s going on. And we’re talking about scaling. So let’s say you open another location. Well, if you’re not physically there, you’re essentially removed from the day-to-day anyways. So if you don’t have your systems and your processes set up to be able to run something where you are essentially removed from the day-to-day, that business is going to really hard time doing well.

But now you need to know what’s going on without being there and seeing it and feeling it. All the same tools that you use when you are running your current business, whether you’re working out of a truck rental yard, whether you’ve got a big warehouse, whether you work out of your house, whatever it might be, it’s totally different.

For me, when I was working out of the truck rental yard, that was a different way of controlling and managing what was going on. The reality was, at that point, I was just trying to keep it all together. Then, when you’re in an office, and you’ve got a staff, you’ve got a team, you’ve got people helping you out, you could see, you could hear. Something happens, somebody says something they’re not supposed to say, you’re on it right away. You’re able to hear that. But as you start to have locations that you can’t see and hear and smell and feel what’s going on, you need the numbers to do the talking.

If you guys see this painting behind me, I had this made years ago to remind myself that the numbers don’t lie. The numbers don’t lie. And I’m not a math person. If you ask me to do some type of equation or something, I would need a calculator, I would need a spreadsheet, I might even have to Google the formula to figure it out. You don’t have to be a numbers person. I don’t love numbers, but they’re the language of business. And I knew that in order to do well in business I needed to run things off of numbers and not run them off of my gut feeling.

So I had this painting in my office for years. People would come into my office and say, “Louis, we got this great idea,” or maybe my sales manager, one of my sales managers, or somebody in customer service or a dispatcher, they’d come talk to me about this idea or this problem. And I didn’t have it behind me, I had it over to the side. And I would just point at that picture and he’d be like, “Okay. I’ll come back with the numbers.” Because, without the numbers, it’s hard to manage. And it only becomes that way once you start to see the numbers.

And for those of you that might feel like, “Wow, Louis, that’s overwhelming. I don’t know what reports to look at. When I see the numbers, sometimes I pull reports, what do I do about them?” Just know that it’s something new. For me, it was something new. When I first started running reports, looking at numbers, figuring out metrics and KPIs and key performance indicators, I didn’t get it, I didn’t understand it. But I had no choice. I didn’t learn this until I already had several offices set up. And I’m like, “Oh my God, how do I know what’s happening over there? How do I know if things are getting done the way they’re supposed to get done?” And the way of trying to manage it any other way was just insane to me.

Next thing you’re going to need to step into your new role as moving CEO, new meetings, new meetings. You want to get to a place where you can run your business off of meetings and numbers. You meet with the key players in your team so that you could stay in the loop in what’s going on, and you have the numbers to be able to see what’s happening and what’s going on. And then these meetings essentially revolve around the numbers, they revolve around any assistance that your ops manager might need, or your general manager might need, or your partner in one of your other locations, or your franchisees, or your movers.

This isn’t a, you got to be at some big level. The sooner that you could get yourself to step into the moving CEO role, if you’re still on the truck yourself, step into this role. You don’t have to go announce it to everybody. You don’t have to say, “Guys, I’m moving CEO now.” It’s not about that. This has zero to do about what’s on your business card and what your title is. It’s more to do with how you conduct yourself and how you manage your business, and framing it for yourself that way.
I wish I had learned this earlier, much earlier, day one early. So no matter where you are, don’t think that you have to get to some level in order to be and step into this moving CEO. There’s a reason people will be like, “Louis, you didn’t spend all this time, you weren’t on the trucks.”
You know why I wasn’t on the trucks? I went a few times when it was absolutely necessary. But I knew, at least at that point, that I had to remove myself. If I kept throwing myself on the truck every time that we were short a mover, I wouldn’t get resourceful and find out other ways to make sure that that didn’t happen again.

So I just say that because some people will be like, “I’m not at that level.” You’re at that level. You’re at that level. The sooner that you start thinking that way, the better. And no matter what, somebody will always have something to say. I had six locations and a long distance division that I just opened up. Took over the second part of the warehouse, put another office next door, just for the long distance division. And caught employees talking behind my back, saying, “He thinks he’s running a Fortune 500 company. Doesn’t he know this is just a moving company?” Shortsighted.

But you can’t care. Somebody’s always going to have something to say about you. Somebody’s always going to look at you and try to pull you down, back down to their level so that they’re more comfortable. I don’t care if you’re just thinking about getting a moving company, getting started. I don’t care if you’re on the trucks. I don’t care if you’ve got one office, two offices, five offices. No matter what you do, people will try to pull you back.

And I don’t say that in a pessimistic way. I say that because sometimes people will feel uncomfortable stepping into this moving CEO role. And I’m here to tell you, if you’re watching this, there’s a reason you’re watching this, there’s a reason you’re here. Step into this role. And you might not get there today. It might take you a few years to get there. But I knew, early on, that I had to start removing myself from the day-to-day. I knew that if I would go on the trucks every time I was short a mover, how am I ever going to scale this business? Who’s going to man the ship?

So you’re going to have your new meetings. You’ve got your new reports and you’ve got your new meetings. Next thing you need to do, is you need a new schedule. We talked about it in stabilize your tech and your time, block time. So your schedule becomes everything for you now. Your calendar, if you will. Because you’ve now removed yourself from the day-to-day. So you don’t just show up to the office anymore and wait for problems and wait for fires. And just sit there with your fire extinguisher, looking to put stuff out. And open up your email and play email ping pong with people, back and forth. And let people come to you with stuff and then go home at the end day, “Oh man, that was a good day. I got a lot of stuff handled.” You’re working on stuff that is going to make a big impact, and you’re letting other people handle those other issues. You’re removing yourself from the day-to-day.

So now you’re like, “Well, what do I work on? What do I do?” Well, now you’re going to work on business development. Now you’re going to work on growing the business. Now you’re going to work on managing the business from a higher level. Think about it like you’re up in the owner suite at the football game and you’re no longer down on the field.

So you’ve got your reports. You’ve got your meetings strategically set up; daily, weekly, monthly meetings. And so now you’ve got to make sure that your schedule is built around those priorities, your calendar is built around these priorities. So you start to create blocks. “Okay. I know this meeting, it’s an important meeting. I need to have it once a week. When am I going to have it? Thursday’s at 11:00. Perfect. It’s on the calendar. This meeting, I need to have it once a month. Perfect. On the calendar. This report, I need to review it once a day. When? Put it on the calendar.”

Otherwise, you won’t do it. Because the reality is, only reactionary problems and situations catch our attention and make us act. Things that are needle movers, things that will actually make a big impact, they’re important but they’re not really urgent, like viewing a report. It’d be very easy … “I’m going to review the report today or this week at some point,” … to just not get to it because it’s not urgent. The report’s not screaming at you like, “Hey, pick up the phone, answer the email. I’m knocking at your door.” The report’s there, just … And maybe you don’t have the reports ready? Chances are, you don’t have these reports ready yet.

So you’ve got to have this stuff on your schedule. Your meetings and when you’re going to review your reports. And then your entire day, your week, your quarter, your year, it’s all revolving around this. Meaning, those blocks are taken, everything else you want to do, you’ve got the rest of the calendar. We’ve only got 24 hours in a day. Every single one of us only has 24 hours in the day.
And that’s the thing, that’s the paradox here. It’s like, we work hard, we grind, we work hard, we grind. And it only gets us so far. It’s so true when they say, “Work smarter, not harder.” The problem is nobody teaches you specifically what that means.

And the paradox is that all this hard work that you put in, yeah, it’s great, you get the momentum, you get going, you get your business to a certain place. And for a lot of you, that’s really far. I was on pure hustle and grind. I got to multimillion dollar, several location business. Some of you on hustle and grind, maybe you could get to 20 million. A lot of people on hustle and grind only have a really hard time even breaking that first million.

And when we switch to a different place, where we’re stabilized, we got systems, we’re able to delegate, we say to ourselves, “I have to fight for my time. And before I just insert myself, before I just get on the truck, before I just pick up the phone, I have to look for other ways to not put myself back into the day-to-day. I have to step into this role of moving CEO.” You’ve got to have a place where you’re looking to go.

And where you want to go, is you want to go to a place where you can run your entire business off of numbers and meetings. And then, from there, your mind is free to think, to strategize, to improve what’s going on, to see things exactly for what they are and not be in the trenches, just with the stress and the other people and the everything that goes on. And so if you’re not there, it’s okay, it’s okay, if you know you’re going to go there. You’ve got to know where you’re headed.

At any given time, you’ve got to be able to manage two businesses. You’ve got to be able to manage your business today as it is, and you’ve got to be able to manage the business that you’re becoming. Does that make sense? The business today, as it is, you’ve got to manage that wherever you’re at. You’re on the truck, you got to be on the truck. You’re dispatching, you got to be dispatching. You’re still in the office, essentially acting as your own general manager, you’ve got to do that. You’ve got to manage the business today. But then you’ve got to manage the business that you’re becoming and you’re moving towards, and you’ve got to start taking the steps to do that.

That requires being very proactive, but it also requires seeing what that is. And no matter what you want to do, this is the scaling series, you’ve got to get yourself in a place where you have removed yourself from the day-to-day. You’ve got the reports to know what’s going on, by looking at those reports. You have the meetings so that you could stay in touch with your people. They feel your presence, you know what’s going on, you hear it from them; on your schedule, on the time that you chose. Not when they’re running in your door, knocking on your door, coming in your office, interrupting you. Calling you nonstop all day, all night. You got to take control of your time. You got to take control of your schedule.

And so the thing to do is not to say, “But Louis, I’m not there. I don’t know how to do it.” I didn’t know how to do it either. But I knew that there was people out, there that that’s how they ran their business. If they could do it, why can’t I do it? The number one moving CEO mindset is, “If they can, I can. If there’s people out there doing it, I could do it. If Louis could do it, I could do it.”
You just got to figure it out. And figuring it out can be messy. Figuring it out can feel very uncomfortable. You’re going to have to figure it out. You’re going to have to do the work. You don’t have to do it alone. You’re in the moving business, you don’t have to do it alone.

I mean, it’s insane not to look for the better way. And it’s insane, in the world that we live, the speed of information, the speed of information, the speed of the scroll, the speed of the scroll. You go on TV and it’s like, “Oh my God.” Not only is there a million choices on cable, but then there’s like, “Oh, there’s Netflix. Oh, Prime’s got a TV too.” There’s so much information. The speed of information is nuts. You’ve got to slow down the speed of information and focus on the depth of information.

If you have an area that you need to master in your business and in your life, don’t skim 100 videos on YouTube. That could be a good start. But look at where you could go deep, get depth. That’s the key. That’s the key to get into that next level. That’s what I’ve luckily learned how to do in my life and in my career. And that’s why I do what I do …