How to Escape the Daily Grind of the Moving Business


In this episode of The Moving Mastery Podcast, Louis Massaro shares how to escape the daily grind of the business.

  • “Your moving business needs to be a machine. And when you’re the Moving CEO and designer of that machine, you get to decide how much you want to be involved in the day-to-day.”
  • “Leads come in from your marketing, you convert those leads and book jobs, you service those jobs, you make sure the customer is happy and you ask for reviews, and then you handle your books and numbers for your company. The machine runs. Simple. And you, as the owner of the business, are the designer and builder of that machine.”
  • “Often in small businesses, the owner/designer may also be the operator of that machine. So you may also be wearing the Operator hat right now. This is especially true when you first start. But, as you build your machine it’s important to get to a place where you can transition out of wearing that Operator hat and spend more time being the Designer.”
  • “Removing yourself from the day-to-day can feel scary, it can feel like the wheels will fall off if you step away from that operator position, but you just need to put some things in place to gain some clarity and control. And with the right systems in place and the right roles running the right processes in your company, you can feel confident to begin to remove yourself and spend more of your time designing and creating growth for your business.”
  • Watch the video to get full training.



OCTOBER 12th – 14th in Scottsdale, AZ!

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