Manage Your Moving Company’s Marketing

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In this video from the Moving Sales Academy LIVE seminar, Louis Massaro explains the three simple steps to managing your moving company’s marketing.

  • Test It – Which lead sources and marketing strategies work best for your company in your market? It’s best to try many different marketing sources and providers. Every market is different and you’ll never know which strategies work best for you until you give them a consistent 90-day trial run. Start small and test everything.
  • Track It – The only way to know for sure if you’re getting a good return on your marketing investment is to have a great system in place to know your numbers. Keep a close eye on where your marketing dollars are getting spent, which marketing strategies are performing well and which ones need to be tweaked or tossed. Remember, the numbers don’t lie.
  • Tweak It – Once you’ve spent some time testing and tracking your various marketing sources you will have a good idea of how each one is performing. Then it’s time to optimize your strategy. Look at your numbers and find where the best results are being achieved. Could those sources return more if they were given a boost? What about the sources that are showing lower returns, is it time to cut them loose? Move your money around to fully optimize your marketing spend. Small changes can create huge returns.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.


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